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Removing starred user from User Manager



  • cPanelKenneth
    Hello, Starred users are users that are an intrinsic part of the cPanel account and are not removable.
  • RobinMiller
    Thanks for the reply, I'm still struggling with this one. The user in question has left the company of my customer and needs his access removed. How would one do that? Do all starred users share the main password? I'm curious as to how this happened. How does a subaccount become a starred user? What is the process for determining when a user has become an intrinsic part of the account?
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, Can you verify which user is the third starred account in "cPanel >> User Manager", other than the main account and the logs? Also, which service does it have access to? Feel free to post a screenshot of what you are seeing. Thank you.
  • cPanelKenneth
    The starred users are built into the cPanel account and are not modifiable within the cPanel interface. They share the same password as the cPanel account login. As Micheal requested please provide a screenshot. There should only be two accounts (I think). It's possible we are misunderstanding the configuration and a picture would clarify it for us.
  • RobinMiller
    Here's a screenshot. It's the last user that we're trying to delete. 49087
  • cPanelMichael
    Hi @RobinMiller, Could you open a support ticket using the link in my signature so we can take a closer look at the account? Thank you.
  • cPWilliamL
    This issue has been resolved in the support request. The User Manager interface uses a sqlite database backend; however, the user didn't actually exist there. I believe this lead cPanel into thinking this was a system level user, as Kenneth pointed out. It's unclear how the user got into this state. It seems the user was not properly added/removed from the UI. To resolve the issue, I had to manually remove the user from the FTP virtualhosts(/etc/proftpd/passwd.vhosts), as well as the quota cache file(/home/$username/etc/ftpquota).

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