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Mysqli prepare error



  • 24x7server
    Hi, Did yo refer to the SYNTAX manual for the version of Database server you have? It looks more of a syntax issue..
  • cPWilliamL
    As the previous commenter pointed out, this appears to be a syntax issue with the query. I would recommend reaching out to your developer or xenforo, and ensuring you are meeting their software requirements.
  • Samet Chan
    Hi, Did yo refer to the SYNTAX manual for the version of Database server you have? It looks more of a syntax issue..

    As the previous commenter pointed out, this appears to be a syntax issue with the query. I would recommend reaching out to your developer or xenforo, and ensuring you are meeting their software requirements.

    I think its add-on has an issue. They didn't update to latest version of XenForo. I'll later to ask XenForo resource author.

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