mod_evasive and ckFinder
I have a problem with mod_evasive module. It turns out that when using the ckFinder (file upload manager, especially images) through ckEditor blocks it every time it opens when the list of files is large, we are talking about more than 6,000 images.
Is there any way to avoid this? I know there is a white list option adding IP addresses but it does not work for me because those who access ckFinder use dynamic IP addresses.
Thank you!
Hi, Well, I could certainly see why that may trip up mod_evasive; that's a large operation to be doing over Apache. Personally, I'd consider using S/FTP for this operation, but I can see how users may prefer your uploader. I am not seeing a method offhand that would allow you to whitelist a specific URI. You may need to adjust the evasive parameters globally: Mod evasive - Atomicorp Wiki However, if your application really is making close to 6K concurrent connections, or even half, I feel that adjusting mod_evasive to allow that effectively disables it. Thanks, 0
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