PHP-FPM warning in Software>MultiPHP Manager
Since I've upgraded to V68 i'm getting a big yellow message/warning on the Software>MultiPHP Manager page that says "To use PHP-FPM on accounts using PHP 5.4-7.1 you must install PHP-FPM for those PHP versions".. etc etc..
Why is this warning suddenly being shown, and is there a way to dismiss it?
What happens if I don't install PHP-FPM?
What are the issues/risks involved if i decide to install PHP-FPM?
That warning is !**?=/%!! annoying isn't it ? I finally gave up explaining to the boss that we used alt-php, and I had disabled every domain from using ea-php, and that I had every domain set to inherited, and that I used lsapi as a handler. I never did find a way of switching off the warning about installing it. Why these warnings can't have a 'dismiss' switch on them, I just don't understand. I ended up having to install it to get rid of the warning message, and to get the boss off my back, and then NOT switching it on (at least that Status warning was a more reasonable size) Now he keeps asking why the Gathering PHP-FPM packages information " working indicator keeps on rotating and never finishes......... :rolleyes: 0 -
Hello, That message is by-design to help clarify how to install and enable PHP-FPM on each version of PHP. You could install the PHP-FPM RPMs for each PHP version (and not actually enable PHP-FPM for accounts) if you wanted to hide that message. If you wanted to use PHP-FPM, you can read more about it at: PHP Handlers - EasyApache 4 - cPanel Documentation 0 -
Now he keeps asking why the Gathering PHP-FPM packages information " working indicator keeps on rotating and never finishes.
Hello @rpvw, Just a quick note to let you know this was fixed in cPanel & WHM version 70.0.29: Fixed case CPANEL-19394: Fix infinite "Gathering PHP-FPM packages information" loop. Thank you.0
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