Issue with DNS records for Office 365 in cPanel account
I have a whm vps with a few cpanel accounts each with its own domain. For one of these domains i purchased recently an office 365 business license and i changed the dns records according to microsoft specs. Company's website is still on that cpanel account. Everything is working fine except if i send an email from one of the other cpanel accounts to an address with an office 365 account email is caught in cpanel by the default email account. Emails sent from anywhere else are getting fine in any of that office 365 email addresses. Clearly an email routing issue but i could use some help to fix it.
add the domain that is using office 365 to the /etc/remotedomains file or edit the DNS zone for the domain and select Remote Mail Exchanger 0 -
I guess you also need to remove the domain using office 365 from /etc/localdomains entry.. this will fix the problem. 0 -
the email service outside of your hosting is required to update the MX records too 0 -
Hello, You can use the "Email Routing" option in cPanel for this account to ensure the email is routed to the remote mail exchanger: Email Routing - Version 68 Documentation - cPanel Documentation Thank you. 0 -
Obviously! Even if that domain was in /etc/remotedomains and removed from /etc/localdomains i had to switch to remote mail exchanger. That did the trick. Thank you! 0 -
Hi there l have the same situation, except my client wants to keep email on my hosting and configure office 365 on the same time ( so some of his worker can use office 365 ) 0 -
Hi there l have the same situation, except my client wants to keep email on my hosting and configure office 365 on the same time ( so some of his worker can use office 365 )
Hello! Maybe i'm missing something but where is the problem? Office 365 users don't have to use microsoft servers for email hosting. You can keep their emails on your server.0 -
Hello! Maybe i'm missing something but where is the problem? Office 365 users don't have to use microsoft servers for email hosting. You can keep their emails on your server.
Hi Menkel Yes thats what l am trying to tell them but, since they are big company they are traying to send some of 10 users to office 365, and rest will stay with my email hosting Is there any chance ?0 -
Hi Menkel Yes thats what l am trying to tell them but, since they are big company they are traying to send some of 10 users to office 365, and rest will stay with my email hosting Is there any chance ?
Hello! It is possible to have just a few users to Office 365 and keep the rest on your existing email system. You can read this for more info.0
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