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custom cPanel error files http headers



  • baronn
    forgot to susbcribe to get answers. Sorry!
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, You should use the option referenced in the previous post to setup the custom page. Or, if you prefer to upload them manually, avoid adding any entries to the .htaccess file as that's not required. A similar question was asked on the following thread: SOLVED - default error documents. Thank you.
  • baronn
    thanks for the couple of replies. I had already read those and don't think they answer my specific question. I don't have any issues creating the error pages as discussed. My question relates to: Those custom error pages don't have the correct http headers. SO if I do create a 403 custom error page (i can create it and reference in htaccess for when that error occurs). it wont have the correct http header i.e. 403 forbidden BUT a 200 response http header instead. I would have assumed that it would automatically add the correct http header on which ever error page i customise and then i can change the 'internal' content as desired. Doesn't seem to work like that...
  • rpvw
    I ran tests using the
  • baronn
    @rpvw thanks for update. will run some more tests!

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