filters.cache hidden?
I'm attempting to find the filters.cache / filters.yaml file on my server (running cPanel 66.0.19). However, I'm not seeing the files or usual path. I'm looking under the home//etc/ folders, but don't see it anywhere. Were these files moved elsewhere or are they hidden now by default?
Hi, I think that will be created when you create any filtering via the cPanel of the particular account. Check if you have created any filtering from the user's cPanel.. 0 -
Yes - I have a fairly extensive global filter setup with 20+ filters. 0 -
Under "/home//etc/", there should be additional folders for each email account username. The filters.cache filters.yaml files are located there. Michael Reynolds 0 -
The folder is empty. 50139 0 -
I checked the directories on one of my domains (also using File Manager), and the files are listed, and not hidden. Perhaps yours are located under /home/username/mail/domain/account. I'm not sure where else they would be. You might need to check with your hosting provider, or cPanel support. Michael Reynolds 0 -
Hello, The path you are looking for is: /home/username/.cpanel/filter.yaml
Thank you.0 -
Hello, The path you are looking for is:
Thank you.
Thank you! The File Manager had these folders/files hidden and I had to unhide them, but I did manage to find the necessary file and edit it successfully.0 -
Hello, Keep in mind that manually editing those files is unsupported. Instead, you should use the following cPanel UAPI functions if you want to modify filters through the command line: UAPI Functions - Email::enable_filter - Software Development Kit - cPanel Documentation UAPI Functions - Email::disable_filter - Software Development Kit - cPanel Documentation UAPI Functions - Email::reorder_filters - Software Development Kit - cPanel Documentation UAPI Functions - Email::store_filter - Software Development Kit - cPanel Documentation Thank you. 0
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