PHP-FPM switch in WHM doesn't always have the good value
On cPanel version 116.0.9, in WHM / MultiPHP Manager / User domain settings. The PHP-FPM switch is not always displayed right.
On the search field, start typing 1 letter at the time and look at the PHP-FPM switch. Each letter entered seems to trigger a toggle that isn't always correct.
So sometime when I look for a user or a domain, the switch is off but really the domain is using FPM.
I get the same kind of problem when I switch page, or the number of domain per page.
Hey there! I'm not completely sure what behavior your're experiencing with this issue. Could you provide a screenshot or additional step-by-step details on how I can reproduce this problem so I can do more testing on my end?
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Look at the PHP-FPM column for the domain, every letter I enter in the search box, the PHP-FPM switch is displayed differently.
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Thanks for the clarification. I was able to confirm this behavior on my end so I've created case CPANEL-43756 for our team to work on getting that fixed. If I hear more updates on my end I'll be sure to post them here!
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Why is this still not fixed more than 2 months later?
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The honest answer is "it's a relatively low-priority user interface bug." It's certainly not ideal that a case sits this long, but we have to prioritize things as best we can. This Forum post also represents the entirety of the complaints about the issue, so it doesn't seem to be disrupting the workflow for too many users.
I can at least confirm it's still on the team's radar and hasn't been closed.
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I mean, it's not like it was hard or took more than a few minutes to fix, what possibly could take that much of you guys' time to prevent you to fix such a small bug?
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