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Can I pay for support? Bluehost support is no longer a viable option



  • Nick Crain

    cPRex makes perfect sense. It just seemed like the person was looking, and I happened upon this thread while looking for something completely unrelated, I'm not in sales. Anyway, feel free to contact our sales department LTOTH 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  We do no currently have an option for paid support.  Do you have root access to the server?  If so, you would be able to use the Transfer Tool to connect from a new system to your current Bluehost server and perform that migration.  Details about the tool can be found here:

    but let me know if you have any questions on that.


    Thanks for your reply. Are you saying that you don't have paid support options for Bluehost customers or that you have paid support for any customers?

    I would like to setup our own server and purchase a license directly from cPanel. When I looked into this a few years ago the benefit of doing this was that we would have a reliable support option from the same company that was developing cPanel. Is this still the case or have you changed how you are doing business?


    If cPanel no longer provides support, where can I find hosting with a knowledgeable support department when an emergency arises?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    We do not offer any types of paid services of this time, no matter where the customer purchases their license.  Licenses purchased directly through us do include support.

    I'm not able to recommend any specific hosting providers, but a place like WebHostingTalk has *many* discussions and reviews of hosting providers.

  • Nick Crain

    cPRex not sure if it's allowed, but we can probably help him out with hosting. I won't drop a link however, unless it's okay by you.

  • Nick Crain

    I should mention we are a cPanel partner if that qualifies for anything with you.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You're welcome to talk amongst yourselves - what I just don't want to happen is this forum becoming a place where hosting providers watch threads to try and snag customers.


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