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sitejet builder removal



  • anton_latvia

    I came across this thread, as I wanted to disable SiteJet and remove annoying banner - disabling in Features helped.

    Then I have read through some posts and I totally agree with user Hefin . cPanel is getting more and more distant from actual user needs. This does not come as surprise, as this has been a practice for years. Even though many cPanel users - IT geeks and admins are really nice and open people, coming up with suggestions, ready to pay, wait and use your product - yet cPanel has managed to ignore and make them feel unheard and ignored and as result - annoyed. This is pushing us to look for other solutions.

  • Juanzo

    It would be nice to have the ability to uninstall it on servers where SiteJet is not needed, to keep cPanel as lightweight as possible.

  • sitesbydesign

    I agree. They are trying HARD to push their extras, get us used to them and then start billing for them - thats what I see coming!

    I am trialling Enhance Panel right now - pricing is by account only and stupid cheap in comparison!

  • sitesbydesign

    It would be smart if someone write a custom plugin that allowed us to change out that banner for one of our own choice - something to consider.

    Remember, these are our own servers, they belong to us. 

    Sorry cPRex, you as a person have my respect - I just dont like the way Web Pros are treating us as customers, on a macro level. I will keep my cPanel servers regardless but I will keep them low in number.

  • Wiredgorilla

    Seems very spamy indeed :(

  • WorkinOnIt

    Yes, I agree, we don't need all this stuff forced onto us by cPanel.  Even more reason to use an alternative product.  I'm trialling cloudpanel at the moment, if only cPanel could join forces with them, we would have a super lightweight, modern interface with no bloat!

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I agree. They are trying HARD to push their extras, get us used to them and then start billing for them - thats what I see coming!

    I sincerely hope that isn't what happens in the future!

  • neoistone

    I believe you're promoting your products on our servers. Please include this request for an uninstaller for (Sitejet and Site Quality Monitoring) we already paying for cpanel license. my tickets id #95233843

  • Wiredgorilla

    Thanks cPRex, as you suggested, the easiest way to get around it is to disable in WHM >> Feature Manage.

  • sitesbydesign

    I agree with @Shushlik although I havent provisioned Directadmin, I went with resting out which is amazing as it hosts inside docker containers. pretty neat.

    I cant ever get rid of cPanel, however I move as much off it as I can.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I did some testing with this and confirmed this gets written to /home/username/.cpanel/nvdata.cache.  You can see the file of a new account before I clicked the X:


    versus after:


    It's important to note that nvdata.cache only gets created after the first login to cPanel.

    However, and here is the important part - you cannot manually edit that file and expect the change to remove the banner.  This has to be done with the Personalization Set API outlined here:

    Here is what that command looks like:

    echo '{"personalization":{"cp-feature-showcase_dismissed":1}}' | /bin/uapi --user put-username-here --input=json Personalization set

    Just edit the "put-username-here" option and it'll remove that banner.  You could run that after an account is created and before a user logs in and that will remove the banner.

  • Steini Petur

    njslnetops Thanks for that, I can then disable that announcement banner, to maybe prevent our clients from going straight for SiteJet as we offer also SitePad and Softaculous, SiteJet doesn't have to take the frontseat.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  There is no way to remove Sitejet Builder from the product, but you can disable the tool in WHM >> Feature Manage so it no longer shows up in cPanel for your users.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I've definitely given the team that feedback about users wanting a complete removal option. 

  • neoistone

    yum remove -y cpanel-siteje-*

  • Wiredgorilla
    yum remove -y cpanel-siteje-*

    Tried and this doesn't work

  • neoistone


    centos/cloudlinux/rocky/AlmaLinux i tesed

    dnf remove -y cpanel-siteje-*  or yum remove -y cpanel-siteje-*

    i don't for ubuntu

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    neoistone - much like the other thread about Koality, Sitejet will also be reinstalled each night.

  • Hefin

    I'd like to remove it as well it's not in use on my server and isn't needed, I had a look at raising a feature request:

    It would be great to be able to raise it here, but I can't see any of the old feature requests submitted by users here.  You used to be able to upvote them for visibility and support for the idea.  Looks like it's had a revamp and not for the better IMO.

    There is functionality to submit an idea but without it being publically visible to other users to vote and comment on it, I don't see the point.  I feel cPanel is stifling visibility and the is hurting user feedback.  But this help cPanel push their own agenda while quieting the community's voice and vote.  This is all very disappointing 

    I wish we could go back to the orginial feature request system as detailed in a 2012 post here:

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hefin - the only "removal" option is to disable the item from the features on the server.  There isn't a way to permanently remove the tool, although it's something we're looking into.

    As far as the features site, I'm going to share what I posted to our Discord about the change:

    Throughout the last quarter of 2023 and up until now, we've been working through the older feature requests and either closing them or adding comments, to provide more details to users still following along with older requests. There are over 3,300 (!!!) on the old site as of today.
    Features that will get included in the product have been moved over to the new site and will be shown on our new Roadmap page, which showcases up-and-coming items per quarter. Features that are still being discussed will be shown on the “Under Consideration” page that is part of the new interface.
    Features that aren’t in either of those areas will be removed as they are considered "not planned" at this point. We have an archive of the old site and votes internally. We did review every single request as part of this process.
    We know that taking a majority of the feature requests offline will not be a popular decision, but a giant list of 3,346 features (plus their respective comments) wasn’t a useful tool. This resulted in features being under served, while the new site will allow us to be 100% transparent about where the product is headed with both planned and upcoming features.
    There will be some distinct advantages with the new system. Votes on the new site will go directly to the admins handling features, which is currently myself and the development managers. Both votes and new features also require email verification, which will help us ensure that the votes are legitimate, and it provides us with a way to contact people directly to get more details/feedback/info about the request.

    Let me know if you need any other clarification on that.

  • Hefin

    Thanks for the additional information about the cPRex there is so much wrong with the new feature request system. 

    We know that taking a majority of the feature requests offline will not be a popular decision, but a giant list of 3,346 features (plus their respective comments) wasn’t a useful tool.

    Wasn't a useful tool for who? Certainly, cPanel users could see vote count and comments and see all feature request submitted, all this done away with.

    I think the original feature request tool was massively more helpful than the replacement.

    Suffice to say I would raise a feature request to suggest changes to the feature request system but it won't have any visibility until cPanel themselves saw fit to add it to the feature board for users to vote on it and even then the vote count is hidden.  Talk about taking the voice away from the users 😠 while amplifying the voice of the company.  

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I don't believe it was a useful tool for anyone :D. That's just not a practical number of features that can be dealt with, and while we create an archive and look through them all, we picked the ones that are actually going to happen or ones we'd like some discussion on.

    We also know deep down that the votes didn't really matter.  They were completely anonymous on the old system, and some requests with many votes never got implemented.  The new system ensures that we have to manually touch all comments and features on the backend, so they wont' just linger forever like on the old site.

    We really didn't want it to look like we're taking the voices away, although I completely understand how it feels like that.  The main goal is to show realistic progress that is easy to see, and people are still submitting features at the same rate they always have according to what I'm seeing on the backend.

  • Hefin

    Come Rex I know you need to tow the comany line but:

    votes didn't really matter

    The upvotes told you alot on where the user numbers were about the suggestion and you had to at least at to have a valid cPanel forum account to vote and comment.  Now it just functions as roadmap, with a weak 'under consideration' tab to gauge user interest on ideas.

    Gone and swept  under the mat are the suggestions and votes for 'Support for QUIC and HTTP/3' & 'OpenLiteSpeed support' and many other top suggestions.


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Any features that didn't make the move are considered "not planned"

  • Jose Manuel
    find /var/cpanel/features/ -type f -exec sed -i '/sitejet=/d; $a\sitejet=0' {} +
  • PPNSteve

    I have a simple related question.. How do we disable/remove that big SiteJet banner that shows up in our user's cPanel?

  • quietFinn

    Remove it in Feature Manager.


  • PPNSteve


    I want to keep the option but not show that big annoying banner when a client loads up cPanel.. disabling it feature manager turns sitejet completely off, IIRC

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    PPNSteve - I don't have a way to remove that banner by default.  Once the user clicks the X once it should stay away.

  • Juanzo

    I agree cPanel is getting a little bit invasive with this popups. SiteJet, now Site monitoring.

    Raised prices a lot but still have our servers work like if they are their own.


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