Statistics - Web Site Files Usage
The “statistics” column on the right side of the cPanel home page contains total disk usage which apparently includes all web, database and mailbox storage. And it shows total disk usage for MySQL Database as a separate item. But, I don’t see total Mailbox disk usage or Web Site disk usage. That would be helpful. But, if I go into cPanel/Files/Disk Usage, then I see what appears to be the total disk usage for all “Email Accounts”…..And down below I see “Contained Disk Usage” and a total for the Home directory which I’m assuming includes all web site files. But, the total disk usage of the Home Directory and the total disk usage for the Email Accounts exceeds the allotted Disk Quota. Why? This particular account hasn’t exceeded their Disk Quota, still has 5G available.
If we were to bill a customer based on mailbox storage and web site storage it would be nice to see accurate statistics on what is being used so we know whether or not they’ve exceeded their allotted storage limits.
Thank you.
Hey there! Are you just wanting those additional items added to the right column of the main cPanel page? If so, can you submit a feature request at for this item and I can get that approved?
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