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Google Drive destination fails validation after working for a month



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  We are aware of this issue and are tracking this in HB-6589.  Unfortunately, it seems the ultimate solution is to reconfigure the way we make backups as Google has changed things on their back end, and it will take significant work from our team to make this change happen so it hasn't been implemented just yet.

  • Javier7870

    Hi, I have just got this issue today, while it has been working for a couple of months until yesterday. Has there been any news regarding this problem? Thanks

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I don't see any updates on my end about this issue.  I did reach out to the team just now and they are talking about the issue internally, but like I said above this apparently requires a complete change of our system - it will be a while if that happens.

    If I do get an update I'll be sure to post!

  • shoshipy91

    Hello, I have also had this problem for months. Where can I follow/track this issue for any updates? I really need this feature a lot.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    shoshipy91 - there isn't a way to follow along with this issue, but if I get an update I'll be sure to post it here!

  • shoshipy91

    Hello guys! I found a solution in the meantime, i been installed rclone on my almalinux 9, then configure and connected with the google console cloud, then make a cronjob for my centos every 24hs to execute the task. The following task is some like:



    # Get the date YYYY-MM-DD
    date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)

    # Define the path

    # Copy to Google Drive folder
    rclone copy "$folder" gdrive:/backups


    I hope works for you!



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Nice workaround, and thanks for sharing!


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