php-fpm8+ doesn't work correctly
We have a wordpress site that's been running for a while with php8.2. Yesterday it was working fine, backend too. Today we can't upload media and plugins report they can't write to destinations directories.
Seems php-fpm 8.2 (also tested 8.1) is not working correctly on our system any more.
When we switch to PHP 7.4 everything works fine.
This is almalinux 8.9 with latest litespeed which is configured correctly for all PHP versions we are running on the server. The problem started probably after yesterdays night cpanel update.
Please advise.
Hey there! Is this the issue you're experiencing?
If so, can you try working through those details to see if there is a permissions problems of some sort?
If not, you are always welcome to create a support ticket, with either us or your host depending on where your license has been purchased, and we can take a look!
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We've got everything configured correctly in terms of this document. Upload works find with PHP-FPM 7.4, however is seems PHP-FPM8.1 and PHP-FPM8.2 are not writing to the user dir as the appropriate user thus we get permission error. PHP-FPM8.3 is working fine also.
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I don't have a good explanation why it would work in some versions and not others, so it would be best to create a ticket so we can do additional investigation.
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