Backup the whole WHM: is it really possible?
I'm used to backup cPanel account thorugh script (e.g. pkgacct) but I'm wondering if there are any way to perform a whole WHM backup.
Nowadays I have only one cPanell account, but even so there are some configuration in WHM that I'd like to backup in the case of an incident, such as my DNS zones.
Is there any way to make this WHM backup? If yes, how could I perform the both tasks (backup & restoration)?
Additional info
- My WHM service is running in a VPS with a CentOS v7
- WHM v. 110.0.24
Take a look at the backup documentation for WHM. You can backup all the accounts as well as the system config. You could also look at JetBackup.
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I saw that documentation and also searched about JetBackup.
Both of them do a referece to cPanel backup.
Maybe when a chose to the option "Backup System Files" in WHM I'll make a full backup (cPanel accounts + WHM configuration).
I wanted to know it before doing a pratical test, but I'll give it a try in the future and see what happens.
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The system backup will backup important system files, but it won't restore them. They are for your reference or manual restore.
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I'll try it.
Thanks by your time!
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