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Backup the whole WHM: is it really possible?



  • ffeingol

    Take a look at the backup documentation for WHM.  You can backup all the accounts as well as the system config.  You could also look at JetBackup.

  • edmpn

    I saw that documentation and also searched about JetBackup.

    Both of them do a referece to cPanel backup.

    Maybe when a chose to the option "Backup System Files" in WHM I'll make a full backup (cPanel accounts + WHM configuration).

    I wanted to know it before doing a pratical test, but I'll give it a try in the future and see what happens.

  • ffeingol

    The system backup will backup important system files, but it won't restore them.  They are for your reference or manual restore.

  • edmpn

    I'll try it.

    Thanks by your time!


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