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WP Toolkit shows wrong PHP version (using PHP Selector)



  • markus909

    the host said already it's a bug with WP toolkit but I stopped believing what they say so I tried myself to test and research

    it says in the link you provided "we strongly encourage you to set the MultiPHP Manager version to "inherit" if you wish to use PHP Selector" from what I remember and how I understood it (was not so easy for me) it's not set to inherit, it was just set to 7.2 (system or server php version)

    Sidenote: I had another hosting provider where this issue did not show up, also using CloudLinux, to me as the user of the reseller account it looked very much like an identical setup, one solved it, the other one blaming cpanel


  • markus909

    I see .. then I have anyway no other chance as dealing again with the reseller hosting company (or eventually just get my own licences and do all of it myself on a VPS). Thanks, I think I'll leave it at that now. I can also see in an overview all PHP versions in MainWP instead of WP Toolkit 

  • Andrew

    Can you confirm that under MultiPHP in WHM for this account that either inherit is selected (whereas PHP 7.2 is the default PHP version on the server) or ea-PHP 7.2 is set.

    Andrew N. - cPanel Plesk VMWare Certified Professional
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  • markus909

    I am not using the MultiPHP Manager but the PHP Selector. MultiPHP Manager is disabled via Featured List, which was the recommendation from my reseller hosting provider.

    I temporarily enabled the MultiPHP Manager and I can obviously change PHP version there as well. So it's like I have two places where I can change the PHP version, but only one actually changes it?

    Doing it this way, I am able to change the PHP version and it also shows in WP Toolkit.

    However, I actually manage to break the site now, can't access it anymore.


    So it seems there is the PHP Version maybe somewhere set globally at the server (7.2). And CloudLinux (I don't know it from a sys admin point of view as I am just using the reseller plan) allows to set a PHP version on a different level. And WP Toolkit reads out the global PHP version from the MultiPHP manager which is usually not enabled in my setup

    "The system default PHP version is set by the system administrator. Any domain that is set to the inherit value indicates that it does not have its own PHP version explicitly set. Read more about inherit.
    PHP 7.2 (ea-php72) Deprecation warning"


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You shouldn't use MultiPHP Manager and PHP Selector together - additional details on that can be found here:

    if that isn't what is happening in your case you'll need to work with the host to have them resolve the issue, or escalate to us if they think there is a problem with the server.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You wouldn't be able to set the version to inherit as that has to be performed on the parent side.


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