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CPanel Upgrade



  • Andy83

    It is about 1TB.

    Please advise what we should do for large database. Thanks.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Oh, that's huge.  There's no way that's going to work through the Transfer Tool.

    I would use mysqldump directly on the Source machine to make a backup, then rsync to move that over to the new machine, and manually restore it on the command line.


  • Andy83

    I see, how about the web directories for that account? It contains the relevant files such as .php, html, js, css and images.

    What method would you use to copy/transfer it?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I'm assuming those are much smaller?  If so, the Transfer Tool can handle those just fine.

    With a database that large, it could take a considerable amount of time to move - like you said, updates while that backup and restore is happening could be significant on something of that size.  It might be best to work with a professional admin to get that handled.

  • Andy83

    Yes they are definitely a few GB only. How do I use the transfer tool but opt out the database?


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    When you go to migrate the account with the Transfer Tool, there is a box under each domain that you can choose what to migrate.  Here is a screenshot showing this:

  • Andy83

    Hi, I have aborted the transfer more than 6 hours ago. But it is still showing Aborting ... 

    On the right side panel, it is still restoring.

    161.03 GB received (11 hours, 49 minutes, and 15 seconds elapsed)
    161.08 GB received (11 hours, 49 minutes, and 30 seconds elapsed)
    161.13 GB received (11 hours, 49 minutes, and 45 seconds elapsed)
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    The abort process likely failed as well due to the amount of data.  We have a guide on how you can manually kill those processes here:

  • Andy83


    I want to ask if CPanel license is recognized by IP address or domain name? 

    How do we configure if old server and new server is based on different domain name?


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    cPanel licenses are always handled through the IP address, as the hostname of the server can change.

  • Andy83

    I have the following error message while trying to login to CPanel at the old server.

    New server is still using trial license.


    Cannot Read License File
    To access the interface, you must install the license and ensure that the license is active.
    You can purchase or lease a license directly from cPanel, or from one of our Partners.
    If you do not currently own a license, register at the cPanel Store and request a trial license.

    The cPanel license server said that a license could not be issued for your server (66). For more information visit: The exact message was: This machine is not licensed for a cloud server. A metal license is required for this machine. (199.*)

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Did you cancel the license on the old server?  I'm not able to fix license issues on the Forum so you'll need to email to get that taken care of.

  • Andy83

    Hi. Does updating the trial license to a normal paid license requires a reboot of the server?

  • Andrew

    Andy83 nope, you can force a license update on the server using this command:


    Andrew N. - cPanel Plesk VMWare Certified Professional
    Do you need immediate assistance? 20 minutes response time!* Open a ticket
    EmergencySupport - Professional Server Management and One-time Services

  • Andy83


    1. If a trial license has ended, can we extend it? Probably for another week.

    2. For the paid license, can we change the IP address?

    Thank you.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    1 - Maybe - you would need to contact and they would make that decision.

    2 - Yes, of course.

  • Andy83

    For question 2, what is the procedure to change the paid license IP address?

    Will the previous IP address be automatically changed to trial license or ? 


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    No, you can't get a trial license for an IP that has previously had a valid license.  What exactly are you trying to do with switching the licensed IP?

  • Andy83

    So my new server has not finished transferring but the trial license expired. What should I do? 

    The paid license is at the old server which will be the source server to transfer data.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You would need to email to se if they can extend that trial license.

  • Andy83
    Hi I have a problem while visiting the website although the account is not suspended.
    Please advise.
    This Account has been suspended.
    Contact your hosting provider for more information.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Are you sure the site is pointing to the correct server and that you're not somehow reaching the old host after a Live Transfer session?

  • Andy83

    I found the solution so I will share it here.

    At the WHM, List Accounts, this problematic account has its Package as "undefined" so I changed it to "Default" and it works. 


  • Andy83

    My next question is, after transferring accounts from old server to new server, I lost the email responses in Roundcube. 

    How do I retrieve or copied it since I still have access to the old server?


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You could always perform a manual re-sync of the /home/username directory, as that would include email.

  • Andy83

    Could you elaborate and be specific on which folder or files? I don't want to copy the entire directory again. Thanks.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    If you just wanted mail data and not any actual user data, it would be /home/username/mail

  • Andy83

    Basically I used the Transfer Tool and the emails were successfully transferred to the new server.

    However, the signature and responses are missing. What should I do?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    What was the cPanel version that you moved from?  I feel like we talked about a Roundcube database change a while back, but I'm honestly not sure.

    At this point it would really be best to submit a ticket or work with an admin.

  • Andy83

    Old server was cPanel Version 110.0.38   


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