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1 server offline (licensing issue), other server not booting anymore (licensing issue)



  • Dave Benwell

    Don't expect answer. They are not responding.

  • Unnamed User

    They did respond 12~ hours ago. I'm assuming (hope) that they're busy fixing the ongoing issues. I'm restoring the server that doesn't boot anymore from the back-up. It's around 82% right now. I hope that at least makes it boot again and gets to the licensing issue.

  • Dave Benwell

    they just issued me new licences which resolved the issue.

  • Unnamed User

    It's fixed now. We had to restore one server somehow. It completely crashed. Then we had to contact the cPanel customer service to re-initiate our license, as the license was not renewed by cPanel.

    Their first reply was: "This month there was a billing issue causing some customers who had already paid for the month of August to be suspended. I am the only one in the office today, and I have asked my team if anyone can help out. In the meantime, I am working on these concerns in the order that they come in."

    So the licenses were suspended by a failed automatic process. They did unsuspend the licenses, but forgot the unsuspend the Litespeed license (as many other people on the forums have stated).

    After the license was unsuspended, we still had to contact their customer support, to unlock the license, as it was activated on too many machines.

    After that, we could finally log into WHM, and manually purchased a litespeed license, and installed the license.

    There are multiple other errors that had to be fixed, Cloudlinux dashboard has a warning as well. "CloudLinux reports JWT token is expired". To fix this:

    Good luck to anyone else struggling with this. Best course of action is to mail the customer service. You can't create a ticket (submit technical support request) through their site as the server is unlicensed. Even if they fix that the server is licensed, the support access ID you can get from SSH to your server, is invalid (unfortunately).

    They should really change how their system works. This is just so stupid. Problems like this are unnecessary, it's a design flaw if you ask me. 

  • Simon Vincent

    "They should really change how their system works. This is just so stupid. Problems like this are unnecessary, it's a design flaw if you ask me."

    They couldn't possibly care less. They think that they're too big to fail, and the only way to show them otherwise is to hit them in the pocket until they get the message. We moved our LiteSpeed licenses to LiteSpeed direct today, and we'll be moving our cPanel licenses to a reseller. It might not be much, but they get less of a cut than they do when we buy cPanel direct, and they get none of the LiteSpeed revenue.

    If even 50% of users did this they would feel it very quickly, and might be incentivized to fix their systems (like they were supposed to have last time this happened) rather than leaving customers' servers and websites down for hours while they think about possibly, maybe, getting around to doing something about it.


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