WPSquared - are WebPros / cPanel serious about this?
I've been a cPanel user since 2000.
In principle I like the idea of a WordPress-optimised version of cPanel, so on that basis alone, I'm interested in WP Squared. Or is it WPSquared? :-)
I'm running a test beta version of it now, had a bit of play, looks promising.
BUT... there seems to be so little buzz around it. So little chatter. So little documentation, promotion, etc. etc.
Sure, there's the website https://wpsquared.com/
And it looks like it's being updated regularly: https://docs.wpsquared.com/release-notes/releases/releasenote/
But there's not a lot of documentation: https://docs.wpsquared.com/docs/get-started/getting-started-with-wp-squared/
And techs over on WHT are scratching their heads about it:
Sure, there's some scepticism around pricing. But putting that aside, it's hard to get on board with a new product offering like this when there's a very distinct lack of visible "energy" behind it.
Can Webpros / cPanel give us a firm genuine commitment that they're into this product offering for the long haul?
Hey there! Yes, WP Squared has been the main focus for our developers for some time now, so I'd plan on this being a *major* product for some time to come!
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It would be great to see more evidence of this, e.g. more
1. Documentation
2. Social media activity / marketing / advertising
3. Blog posts
4. Special early adopter offers/discounts
5. Engagement in forums (e.g. WHT) where people are discussing and speculating about it.
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Well, we have a few of those things:
A roadmap of features: https://portal.productboard.com/webpros/3-wp-squared-roadmap/tabs/6-released
A discord discussion area: https://discord.gg/JRvJ8PXA
Announcements: https://cpanel.net/wp-squared/
Docs (I know they are a bit limited still): https://docs.wpsquared.com/docs/get-started/getting-started-with-wp-squared/
There was a beta trial that happened a few months ago, but that's been done for a bit now.
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Oh, we are still issuing the beta licenses if you email adam.wien@webpros.com - he'll get you setup! (although he's on PTO for a few days right now)
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