DNSOnly update failed: libonig.so.5()(64bit) is needed by (installed) jq-1.6-16.el9.x86_64
I'm running DNSOnly on Almalinux 9 and I got an error when the script tried to run it's updates last night:
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] Testing if the newly downloaded packages can be installed without conflict
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] Testing RPM transaction
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] libonig.so.5()(64bit) is needed by (installed) jq-1.6-16.el9.x86_64
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] W Exit Code: 20
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] ***** FATAL: Test install failed: error: Failed dependencies:
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] libonig.so.5()(64bit) is needed by (installed) jq-1.6-16.el9.x86_64
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] ***** FATAL: Error testing if the packages will install: Test install failed: error: Failed dependencies:
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] libonig.so.5()(64bit) is needed by (installed) jq-1.6-16.el9.x86_64
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] see https://go.cpanel.net/rpmcheckfailed for more information
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] Removing staged files and directories for binaries/linux-c9-x86_64, cpanel
I tried running the update manually as well and got the same error.
See the full output below:
[root@ns1 ~]# /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp
[2024-09-05 13:33:47 +0000] Detected cron=0 (Terminal detected)
=> Log opened from cPanel Update (upcp) - Slave (3461028) at Thu Sep 5 13:33:47 2024
[2024-09-05 13:33:47 +0000] Detected cron=0 (Terminal detected)
[2024-09-05 13:33:47 +0000] 1% complete
[2024-09-05 13:33:47 +0000] Running Standardized hooks
[2024-09-05 13:33:47 +0000] 2% complete
[2024-09-05 13:33:47 +0000] mtime on upcp is 1718748380 (Tue Jun 18 22:06:20 2024)
=> Log opened from /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updatenow (3461030) at Thu Sep 5 13:33:49 2024
[2024-09-05 13:33:49 +0000] Running version '' of updatenow.
[2024-09-05 13:33:49 +0000] Detected version '' from version file.
[2024-09-05 13:33:52 +0000] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2024-09-05 13:33:52 +0000] Target version set to ''
[2024-09-05 13:33:52 +0000] Switching to version of updatenow to determine if we can reach that version without failure.
[2024-09-05 13:33:52 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:33:52 +0000] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2024-09-05 13:33:53 +0000] Become an updatenow.static for version:
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:33:53 2024
=> Log opened from /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updatenow.static-cpanelsync (3461030) at Thu Sep 5 13:33:56 2024
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] Running version '' of updatenow.static.
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] Detected version '' from version file.
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] Target version set to ''
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] Checking license
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] License file check complete
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] glibc-2.34-100.el9_4.3.x86_64
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] Testing if rpm_is_working RPM is installed
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] Testing if it's possible to install a simple RPM
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] Verifying... ########################################
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] Preparing... ########################################
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] Updating / installing...
[2024-09-05 13:33:56 +0000] rpm_is_working-1.0-0 ########################################
[2024-09-05 13:33:57 +0000] DNSONLY detected.
[2024-09-05 13:33:57 +0000] Ensuring required distro packages are installed.
[2024-09-05 13:33:57 +0000] Staging cpanelsync files prior to updating /usr/local/cpanel
[2024-09-05 13:33:57 +0000] Staging cpanel changes
[2024-09-05 13:33:57 +0000] Loading digest cache from /usr/local/cpanel/.cpanelsync.digest
[2024-09-05 13:33:57 +0000] checkyum version 22.3 (excludes: bind-chroot)
[2024-09-05 13:33:57 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:33:57 +0000] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2024-09-05 13:33:58 +0000] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2024-09-05 13:33:58 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:33:58 +0000] All Needed Packages are already installed.
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:33:58 2024
[2024-09-05 13:33:59 +0000] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2024-09-05 13:33:59 +0000] Maximum sync children set to 8 based on 1245M available memory.
[2024-09-05 13:33:59 +0000] Staging files for binaries/linux-c9-x86_64
[2024-09-05 13:33:59 +0000] Staging files for cpanel
[2024-09-05 13:33:59 +0000] Creating directory /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Server/Type/Role/JetBackup-cpanelsync
[2024-09-05 13:33:59 +0000] Creating directory /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Server/Type/Role/LiteSpeed-cpanelsync
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Creating directory /usr/local/cpanel/etc/cagefs-cpanelsync
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Creating directory /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Mysql/Version-cpanelsync
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child: 1: Stage File: /var/tmp/3461030.ANEL_SCRIPTS_UPDATENOW_STATIC_CPANELSYNC__.b537680a.tmp
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child 3461097 created to stage files.
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child: 2: Stage File: /var/tmp/3461030.ANEL_SCRIPTS_UPDATENOW_STATIC_CPANELSYNC__.271cc6e0.tmp
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child 3461098 created to stage files.
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child: 3: Stage File: /var/tmp/3461030.ANEL_SCRIPTS_UPDATENOW_STATIC_CPANELSYNC__.01c19950.tmp
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child 3461099 created to stage files.
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child: 4: Stage File: /var/tmp/3461030.ANEL_SCRIPTS_UPDATENOW_STATIC_CPANELSYNC__.6a4001ce.tmp
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child 3461100 created to stage files.
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child: 5: Stage File: /var/tmp/3461030.ANEL_SCRIPTS_UPDATENOW_STATIC_CPANELSYNC__.bc9f6590.tmp
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child 3461101 created to stage files.
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child: 6: Stage File: /var/tmp/3461030.ANEL_SCRIPTS_UPDATENOW_STATIC_CPANELSYNC__.6e1ac225.tmp
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child 3461102 created to stage files.
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child: 7: Stage File: /var/tmp/3461030.ANEL_SCRIPTS_UPDATENOW_STATIC_CPANELSYNC__.5ed01faf.tmp
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child 3461103 created to stage files.
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child: 8: Stage File: /var/tmp/3461030.ANEL_SCRIPTS_UPDATENOW_STATIC_CPANELSYNC__.b759c83b.tmp
[2024-09-05 13:34:00 +0000] Child 3461104 created to stage files.
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:02 +0000] Using mirror '' for host 'httpupdate.cpanel.net'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:03 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:03 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/contact_details.cgi-cpanelsync to 0:10
[2024-09-05 13:34:03 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:03 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:04 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:04 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:04 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:05 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:05 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:06 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:06 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:06 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:07 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:08 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:08 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:08 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:08 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:08 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:09 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:09 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:09 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:09 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:10 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:10 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:10 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:11 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:11 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:11 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/domainredirect.cgi-cpanelsync to 0:10
[2024-09-05 13:34:11 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:11 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:11 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:11 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:11 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:12 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:12 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:12 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/base/resetpass.cgi-cpanelsync to 0:10
[2024-09-05 13:34:12 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:12 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:13 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:14 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:14 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:14 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:15 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:15 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:15 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:15 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/autoconfig.cgi-cpanelsync to 0:10
[2024-09-05 13:34:15 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:15 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:16 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:16 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:16 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi-cpanelsync to 0:10
[2024-09-05 13:34:16 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:16 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:16 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:16 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:16 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:17 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:17 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:17 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:17 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:17 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:18 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi-cpanelsync to 0:10
[2024-09-05 13:34:18 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:18 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:18 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/cpsrvd.so-cpanelsync to 0:987
[2024-09-05 13:34:18 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:18 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:18 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:18 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:18 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:19 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:19 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:19 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:20 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:20 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:20 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:20 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:20 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:20 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:20 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:20 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:20 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/movingpage.cgi-cpanelsync to 0:10
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:21 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:22 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:22 2024
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Sync child 3461102 exited cleanly.
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/base/securitypolicy.cgi-cpanelsync to 0:10
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:23 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:24 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:24 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:24 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:24 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:24 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:24 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/templatepreview.cgi-cpanelsync to 0:10
[2024-09-05 13:34:24 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:24 2024
[2024-09-05 13:34:24 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:25 +0000] Sync child 3461101 exited cleanly.
[2024-09-05 13:34:25 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:25 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:25 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:25 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:26 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:27 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:27 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:28 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:29 2024
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:29 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Sync child 3461104 exited cleanly.
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:30 2024
[2024-09-05 13:34:30 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:31 +0000] Sync child 3461100 exited cleanly.
[2024-09-05 13:34:31 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:31 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:31 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:32 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:33 2024
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:33 2024
[2024-09-05 13:34:33 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Sync child 3461099 exited cleanly.
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:34 2024
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Sync child 3461097 exited cleanly.
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Sync child 3461098 exited cleanly.
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Set ownership on /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/bxd.cgi-cpanelsync to 0:10
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:34 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Retrieving and staging /cpanelsync/
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:35 2024
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Sync child 3461103 exited cleanly.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'mailman' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'munin' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'analog' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'awstats' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'roundcube' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'clamav' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'composer' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'proftpd' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'pure-ftpd' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'webalizer' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Mark target 'ng-cpanel-jupiter-apps' as 'uninstalled'.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Maximum sync children set to 8 based on 1374M available memory.
[2024-09-05 13:34:35 +0000] Staging new packages
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Maximum sync children set to 8 based on 1352M available memory.
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Downloading http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/RPM/11.122/centos/9/x86_64/sha512
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Downloading http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/RPM/11.108/centos/9/x86_64/sha512
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Downloading http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/RPM/ng/noarch/sha512
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Downloading http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/RPM/11.118/centos/9/x86_64/sha512
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Downloading http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/RPM/11.110/centos/9/x86_64/sha512
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2024-09-05 13:34:36 +0000] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:37 2024
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:37 2024
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:37 2024
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:37 2024
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:37 2024
[2024-09-05 13:34:37 +0000] cpanel-ng-whm-link-server-nodes-122.16.14-1.cp11122.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:37 +0000] cpanel-oniguruma-6.9.8-2.cp122~el9.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:37 +0000] cpanel-pdns-4.9.1-1.cp122~el9.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:37 +0000] cpanel-puttygen-0.81-1.cp108~el9.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:37 +0000] cpanel-ng-whm-account-enhancements-122.16.12-1.cp11122.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:37 +0000] cpanel-ng-whm-whm-marketplace-122.16.15-1.cp11122.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:37 +0000] cpanel-ng-whm-wh-sql-config-122.16.22-1.cp11122.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-php83-8.3.9-1.cp118~el9.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-perl-536-mail-spamassassin-4.000001-1.cp108~el9.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-perl-536-dns-ldns-0.63-2.cp108~el9.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-ng-whm-multiphp-manager-ng7-122.16.13-1.cp11122.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-ng-whm-transfer-cpanel-account-122.16.14-1.cp11122.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-ng-whm-initial-setup-wizard-122.16.19-1.cp11122.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-oniguruma-devel-6.9.8-2.cp122~el9.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-geoipfree-data-122.0-2.cp122~el9.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-ng-whm-nginx-manager-122.16.13-1.cp11122.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-phppgadmin-7.13.0-3.cp110~el9.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-ldns-1.8.1-3.cp108~el9.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-re2c-3.0-1.cp108~el9.x86_64.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] cpanel-ng-whm-ssl-tls-configuration-122.16.13-1.cp11122.noarch.rpm already downloaded
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] All files Staged
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] Testing if the newly downloaded packages can be installed without conflict
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] Testing RPM transaction
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] libonig.so.5()(64bit) is needed by (installed) jq-1.6-16.el9.x86_64
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] W Exit Code: 20
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] ***** FATAL: Test install failed: error: Failed dependencies:
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] libonig.so.5()(64bit) is needed by (installed) jq-1.6-16.el9.x86_64
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] ***** FATAL: Error testing if the packages will install: Test install failed: error: Failed dependencies:
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] libonig.so.5()(64bit) is needed by (installed) jq-1.6-16.el9.x86_64
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] see https://go.cpanel.net/rpmcheckfailed for more information
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] Removing staged files and directories for binaries/linux-c9-x86_64, cpanel
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:38 2024
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] 17% complete
[2024-09-05 13:34:38 +0000] E Running `/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updatenow --upcp --log=/var/cpanel/updatelogs/update.3461028.533783380.1720205393.log` failed, exited with code 1 (signal = 0)
=> Log closed Thu Sep 5 13:34:38 2024
Can you try running this to install the missing packages?
dnf install oniguruma
This is already known, and reported here - https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/articles/25891742461719-Error-libonig-so-5-64bit-is-needed-by-installed-jq-1-6-16-el9-x86-64-during-cPanel-update
1 -
That fixed the problem. Thanks!
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