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Lack of DNS records for a new subdomains. Domain's DNS records aren't propagating



  • mtindor

    Are you authoritative nameservers the same server(s) you are hosting on?   If your DNS is handled elsewhere (and not on the server you are hosting the site on, or not using the authoritative nameservers of the hosting provider), then you likely have to go update DNS there.

    For instance, if you added and the authoritative nameservers for are GoDaddy or Network Solutions nameservers, then you need to alsogo and log into GoDaddy or NetSol (or wherever the DNS is managed) and update the record.

    What you are experiencing appears to be a classic case of the DNS for a domain being hosted elsewhere, and thus you can't "just" add the subdomain in the cPanel interface but then also have to go to the DNS provider and add the DNS record.

  • Bernard OUEDRAOGO

    Thanks a lot for your quick reaction.

    We purchased a WHM VPS with Flexihostings ( and have some domains created. I really don't know where their authoritative nameservers are hosted.

  • mtindor

    dig DOMAINNAME ns @

    nslookup -q=ns DOMAINNAME



  • Bernard OUEDRAOGO

    Thank you, mtindor, for your help !


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