SiteJet Ecommerce License Absurd
Dear cPanel,
I find this absurd! you introduced to cPanel the SiteJet which we find perfectly fine, it gives our clients the extra building tool but hidden therein is a premium feature we're not providing and it has led to not 1 not 2 but 3 clients so far asking us to enable this feature as if it's easy as that.
When there is not much details on this in regards to how this all works, I asked cPanel support who responded like this.
So to understand this correctly, this needs to be a paid addon feature, but when we check the Manage2 license portal this exists there
This requires Group, Package, IP Addresses.
Now this is a SHARED HOSTING SERVER where most people reside on a single IP address, so this feature is either calling for multiple IP's where clients need to actually be physically moved to a dedicated IPv4 for this to work, or some other way they can make this work that I am just not seeing.
Either way it looks amateurish of us to provide this SiteJet tool but then reject when they wish to use some of the tool functionality because that is hidden behind a license we were unaware of and to top it off, cPanel does not offer some quick button such as Disable Premium Tools or something to hide this from clients. The client wishes to setup a shop, he is not paying $8.80 for 100 items in a shop on his 1 account, he is furthermore definitely not paying $18.99 for anything above that, a single SHOP license..
Why on EARTH would they do that when they can simply install Wordpress and install a basic commerce plugin and sell their goodies.
This is just a nuisance to our setup, it has made us have to make a decision here, do we wish to disable SiteJet as a full and notify our clients that the SiteJet will be permanently disabled or is there an option to hide these Premium tools!.
Look forward to a very hopefully a productive response.
Thanks for that - I've added some of my thoughts to 95371853 in the internal notes.
We've had a LOT of eyes on this thread today, so those thoughts/opinions are definitely being seen.
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I can say that cPanel isn't 100% on this as Support needs to ask a bit SiteJet commerce team how this is best handled, at least Im getting honest response
But I think that if it truly is $8.90 a site, not just 1 license per server like Softaculous, SitePad etc, we're dunking this, we're not even going to try to offer this to our clients if its a dedicated IP license attached for just this.
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Can't really just toss it we have x amount of nodes and even on one of our smaller nodes
[root@hengill users]# grep --text -i "SITEJET_API_TOKEN" * | wc -l
63About 63 entries have SITEJET_API_TOKEN which indicates they are in use, I'll have to estimate 100's are using it, so we're going to have to inject something into that page
/frontend/jupiter/sitejet/ so that is located here /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/jupiter/sitejetLets open and find the location
We can add inside the ELSE block
Then we can at least warn our clients, and point them in the right direction before they are stuck and wishing we would allow them to use this for shop purposes.
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Don't forget to add this file to the exclude list for updates
That should prevent updates from overwriting this file edit,.
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Hey there!
First of all - thanks for the feedback about Sitejet and the license arrangement. I've shown this thread to our team so your voice is heard.
You can disable the ecommerce option with an API call documented here:
so that is what you're likely looking for to keep this from appearing to your end-users at all. This will also keep you from needing to edit the cPanel code as well, risking update conflicts in the future.
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@cPRex you are amazing! I was looking for this, so glad you found it for me in your cPanel API call. I am going to test it and see if this "Shop" disappears in that clients feature to stop the ask, because from what we can gather the options are "force the host to buy it for clients and set clients to dedicated IPs as its tied to IP addresses" or B) forcing our clients to move to their studio hosting?? What?
So lets test that and if that works I can prevent the next update and just remove the cpanelsync.exclude line and let it get overwritten, but only if this works.
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HI cPRex I added this
[root@hengill ~]# whmapi1 --output=jsonpretty \
> Sitejet/set_ecommerce \
> allowEcommerce='0'
"metadata" : {
"command" : "set_ecommerce",
"namespace" : "Sitejet",
"reason" : "OK",
"result" : 1,
"version" : 1
[root@hengill ~]#
It doesn't seem to actually disable it people can still install this "Products" element but its possible its because of it existing in the template, becausae when i click "Okay" but it also did this before I did the whmapi call, It gets wiped off that template, I cant find "Products" in the "Elements" tab at all, It may be that it wont appear now for any client who starts a new template..0 -
Can you try it in a new template? The API call isn't going to overwrite existing templates to kill a feature.
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Hi cPRex so I used my own domain, chose "Shop" templates, chose the "Flower Shop", wen into the "/shop" where most shops would be and bingo you will see right away
"To enable Commerce please navigate to "Commerce" in the left content sidebar and create your shop. After that please add the "Products" element at this place"
So although there is no "Commerce in the left content sidebar as shown here
It's the fact that inside the template they have already dropped a "Products" which when you open it doubler click it says "You can manage the store with the control panel click open control panel"
At which point it tells the client, oh you don't have this enabled, contact your hosting provider to enable this feature, so we'll get the requests "Hey can you enable that shop feature" as if this is just a toggle switch for free.
Then they end it with "contact our support team if you have any questions". This feels iffy at best, we're not just not providing this, but we're also sending our clients to a different support team which they do contact SiteJet, this feels wrong really on many levels. It sends our clients to which then offers things like SiteJet Studio, all in one builder.
I don't think you understand that you send a message there
That not only tells the client we don't offer this, and that you should contact your hosting provider to provide it which isn't free, it ends with a bit of a subliminal message "If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team" which one of our clients actually did. He didn't leave but what stops the next client from viewing that website and check the Pricing, and decide They offer all of it for $x.
This is really not cool.
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I agree with the "really not cool" - could you make a ticket as this portion seems like an issue with the tool itself?
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I opened earlier today ticket with cPanel about the license #95370764 should I be opening another, Id like to just point out this ticket, I don't wanna write this all over again in that ticket.
Ill open one ticket to Technical Support (#95371853 - Regarding SiteJet and weird behavior) and basically point to this thread.
Hope that is enough.
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I feel and this is just my opinion that if this was
1. License fee per IP a reasonable fee like $5 like Sitepad, thats reasonable just license your Hosting server for that extra $5 and clients can use all the features SiteJet has to offer
2. Create a built into the SiteJet "Buy premium feature $x" and when you click it you buy it without being directed elsewhere, and it would just cement it for that domain per domain and upgrade above 100 if required later (unrelated completely to the Hosting provider)
These are obviously the way to go, don't have it land on the Hosting provider who has an IP, dont tie this to a IP unless its just flat rate for the hosting provider to provide service to clients, otherwise tie it to the domain during purchase IN TOOL for the client and never point the client to contact SiteJet support for assistance, as far as the client is concerned they are in our hosting panel, its just a tool they are working with, if anything is wrong it should be "Contact your hosting provider for support on the error" and We're the ones who reach out to Softaculous because there is an issue with like before "PHP 8.3" rendered it not working, until we found a solution with Softaculous until it was patched.
Just my opinion.
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Glad to hear that it's being seen as to be honest I have never felt as rocked by anything introduce to cPanel over the last near decade and a half I have been the administrator for our end and I am counting the changes in license setups and prices over the period.
This just is a different kind of "that's a bit weird?, what is the intention here?" that I didn't seem to be able to just shake off without getting some answers.
So I am glad that you cPRex got the ball rolling on that.
Even if this is just unintentional side-effect of the ecommerce feature, or a not-completely thoughtout plan on how to introduce this to your cPanel partners and their shared hosting servers.
Look forward to know the outcome.
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Me too! I'd really like to see a smoother option for both users/Partners as well as support interaction for these issues, and I think *you* getting the ball rolling today has helped get all that started - so thanks!
I see there's some testing going on with Sitejet directly in one ticket and the billing/license questions are getting handled by our Customer Service team. I'm still watching things on the back end along with you, so if I hear anything I'll be sure to post as well, although you'll likely get the ticket replies before I do at this point.
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Ive responded to both those tickets, Donna mentioned "per site" which I understand, but again to make that work they have to tie this just directly in-tool and tie it to the domain in question so if its being built for "" then gets the license upgrade and it has absolutely nothing to do with us as partner. That is the most straight forward solution to upsell to any of these clients who wish for this feature, and toss the message about contacting their support. I understand it could be because their tool is probably on a central domain for THEM as well but they then need to detect where the installation is coming from and do that accordingly. Best way to make this Sitejet work is remove this completely out of Partner hands if we want to buy a license for a single cPanel install like a client on a VM with a cPanel and has 1 site and wants this feature, fine that's one thing, although it would STILL always be best to just do this IN TOOL, and never send the client to outside of the tool, not click "buy" and redirect to some website, just popup and pay like Google pay imo.
Never give the partner the idea that this tool is a "trojan horse" so to speak.
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cPRex wow the SiteJet team is really pushing the envelope
I have had to literally create a full fledged hook to disable what is not possible to disable in WHMCS which is owned by Webpros, its all about pushing SiteJet without any possibility of a simple toggle switch, and if the cPanel server has Sitejet installed the latest 8.11.2 themes of WHMCS will just bombard the client area with Sitejet this Sitejet that, everything SITEJET!.. It's astounding that we're paying a hefty license fee for these things and they are being utilized to advertise relentlessly.
Here is the code if anyone sees this and wants to prevent WHMCS from doing this
use WHMCS\View\Menu\Item as MenuItem;
// Hide in Client Area Sidebar
add_hook('ClientAreaPage', 1, function($vars) {
$primarySidebar = Menu::primarySidebar();
if ($primarySidebar) {
$serviceActions = $primarySidebar->getChild('Service Details Actions');
if ($serviceActions) {
// Hide from Client area
add_hook('ClientAreaFooterOutput', 1, function($vars) {
return <<<STYLE
#sitejetPromoPanel{ display: none !important; }
li[data-identifier="sitejet"]{ display:none !important; }
button[data-identifier="sitejet"] + .btn-group > .btn[data-toggle="dropdown"]{
border-top-left-radius: 3.2px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 3.2px;
button[data-identifier=“sitejet”] + .btn-group > .btn[data-toggle=“dropdown”],
.btn-group:has(> button[data-identifier=“sitejet”]) > .btn[data-toggle=“dropdown”] {
display: none !important;
// Adjust the Client Area display for Sitejet panel
add_hook('ClientAreaFooterOutput', 1, function($vars) {
return <<<SCRIPT
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// Change the title text inside h3
$('#cPanelPackagePanel h3.panel-title.card-title').text("Package/Domain");
// Change col-sm-6 to col-md-3 for the image column
$('#cPanelPackagePanel .col-sm-6').first().removeClass('col-sm-6').addClass('col-md-3');
// Remove the image with class card-img-top
$('#cPanelPackagePanel img.card-img-top').remove();
// Adjust Admin Area to remove "Log in to Sitejet Builder" button
add_hook('AdminAreaFooterOutput', 10000, function($vars) {
return <<<SCRIPT
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// Remove the "Log in to Sitejet Builder" button by targeting its onclick attribute
$('button.btn-primary').filter(function() {
return $(this).attr('onclick') && $(this).attr('onclick').includes("SitejetSingleSignOn");
});Im waiting on WHMCS forum to accept my two posts that include all of this, the removal of the button in the admin area is merely because its so close to Login to cPanel its basically begging to be misclicked.
Anyway cPRex, I believe the intention have been very much made clear, intrusive advertising, inside and outside of the Sitejet.
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Steini Petur - I'm sorry the solution was so drastic, but glad you came up with something. I don't have any control over the WHMCS side of things, but since you are a Partner I would encourage you to speak to your account manager to let them know your thoughts about the Sitejet implementation.
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