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Larger API Requests Getting Stuck on Pending – Need Assistance



  • Unnamed User

    Seeing same issue.  Image uploads on Passenger app are failing. 

    We are using Directus CMS running as Node18 app using Passenger, on many (many) tenants.  All image uploads across all domains are failing and we believe it's due to this.

  • Unnamed User

    Please escalate with extreme urgency.   This is resulting in an entire production outage for us.  

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  I reached out to our EasyApache team and we didn't have many thoughts about how this could be related to cPanel or any recent changes we've made.  The last update we did to ea-nodejs22 was September 25, so you likely would noticed an issue by now from that.

    Do you have any logs from NestJS that you could share? 

  • Smokovsky

    I have been a cPanel user for many years and have used the Application Manager for the past five years without any issues. To investigate further, we even purchased a brand-new VPS with a fresh cPanel installation, and unfortunately, the same problem persists. The behavior is identical.

    Please address this as soon as possible, as our applications are currently unable to function properly.

  • Tangle Media Inc

    Hi There we are seeing this same issue with our node18 applications. Started occurring within around the last 24 hours could it be related to the easyapache change made Oct 2, 2024

    We can make post requests if they are under about 20kb so that may be a clue here.

  • Smokovsky

    I attempted to submit a ticket, but I'm unable to do so. When I enter the machine's IP address, I receive a message stating, "This cPanel license is supported by OVH." Unfortunately, OVH does not provide technical support for software issues.
    Is there anything else I can do to help resolve this?

  • Tangle Media Inc

    We are on day four of production instances for about 20 node apps being basically OUT.  We are migrating these most critical services off cPanel in order to sustain them.  Very expensive and labor intensive.  Can there please be a more formal or escalated response?  We sure would appreciate this.   Ticket is moving slowly for a code red issue.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Could you submit a ticket so this can be investigated directly on the machine?

  • Tangle Media Inc

    Seeing applications failing now

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Thanks for the additional details. Due to the nature of Passenger, it would still be best to create a ticket so either us/your host can reproduce the issue.  Reproducing this will rely not only on the software itself, but your particular application and configuration, so it would be best to create a ticket if you already have a system where this is happening.

  • Smokovsky

    As I mentioned in my previous message, I'm unable to submit a support ticket because cPanel has disabled this option for me. Last year, I was still able to do so, but now it just displays the message: "This cPanel license is supported by OVH.".

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Correct - you would reach out to OVH and if they can't resolve the issue they would escalate it to us and we'd go from there.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Tangle Media Inc - do you have that ticket number?

  • Tangle Media Inc


  • Smokovsky

    I was able to create a support ticket using the trial version of cPanel on the new VPS I mentioned earlier. The ticket number is #95379304.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I see that Steven is looking at both of those tickets now - I'll be sure to follow-up tomorrow with more details as well!

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Our team was able to isolate this issue to a problem with the Ruby libuv package, which was released on September 25.  While we have created an internal case, this issue will need to be fixed by the upstream providers of that package.

    For now,  you can downgrade the package with this command:

    dnf downgrade ea-ruby27-libuv

    and things will return to working as they were previously.


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