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How can I remove this 360 monitoring stuff?



  • Benito

    studiofaca the uninstall instructions you shared previously works with WHM
  • studiofaca


    It works like malware.


    1. Uninstall.

    sh <(curl || wget -O -
    [SUCCESS] The service agent360 has been stopped
    [SUCCESS] The service agent360 has been disabled
    [SUCCESS] The Python modules for 360 Monitoring have been removed
    [SUCCESS] The user agent360 has been deleted
    [SUCCESS] The configuration of the service agent360 has been removed
    [SUCCESS] The systemd data has been updated
    [SUCCESS] The 360 Monitoring configuration files have been deleted

    2. Try uninstall again.

    sh <(curl || wget -O -
    You got an error. This is OK!

    3. In WHM click "Server Monitor"

    4. Run again uninstall.

    sh <(curl || wget -O -
    [SUCCESS] The service agent360 has been stopped
    [SUCCESS] The service agent360 has been disabled
    [SUCCESS] The Python modules for 360 Monitoring have been removed
    [SUCCESS] The user agent360 has been deleted
    [SUCCESS] The configuration of the service agent360 has been removed
    [SUCCESS] The systemd data has been updated
    [SUCCESS] The 360 Monitoring configuration files have been deleted


    Why It installed itself again?!


  • studiofaca

    Today on all WHM/cPanel 124.0.17 this service in installed.

  • PeteS

    Not all 124.0.17, but about 3/4... (DNSOnly servers rolled out first for me a few days ago).

  • PeteS

    cPRex Still wondering about the account limits, or if they don't apply. (See previous page's post.)

    Also, it has installed on all WHM installs directly licensed from cPanel, but not on those through a reseller (yet). Is this expected behavior based on priorities for roll-out, or ???

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    A few thoughts on this one.

    We plan to add a tool in the near future that will let you remove the plugin completely if you don't want it.  At this time, it will be reinstalled as part of the nightly update if you remove it.

    It is normal for this to not be on all machines just yet, as it can be controlled by your Partner, so licensed purchased from a reseller may not have it.

    It is expected that you use one email address per server to manage this tool.  Any external plans or accounts that you may find directly on their site do not apply here.

    Let me know if that clears things up!

  • PeteS

    That's good to have a remove option. (Should be SOP IMO.)

    The roll-out schedule makes sense.

    It's true that each server has a separate email, or course, but doesn't using a separate email for each server mean a separate 360 Monitoring account for each server? The would not be practical for multiple servers. Or is there a way to link the accounts in a dashboard, or something? Seems like this could have been better thought out. I was able to add 3 or 4 servers to one account, but the last one paused, or something like that, indicating a limit. Am I missing something?

    I sure ope this isn't a "give them a taste, then sell them what works" (sounds like a drug dealer, lol) offering from 360 Monitoring..

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    PeteS - the 360 Monitoring team is asking for a ticket on this one, since they aren't expecting anyone to reach a limit for the number of WHM servers that can be monitored, so it sounds like something isn't working as expected in this specific scenario.

  • Neil

    Any news on the removal script? Would prefer to have the option to add this when wanted rather than eating resources on every server prior to evaluation.

    Thanks in advance,

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I see the work for it is "done" internally but I'm not sure when it's getting pushed to a public version just yet.  I'm trying to find that out right now, actually :D

  • PeteS

    cPRex A cPanel ticket (on which server?) or a ticket with them (360)?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    A cPanel ticket - any of the servers linked should be fine, and then we can bump it to the Imunify team if necessary.

  • PeteS

    Ticket #95410499

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Alright - as you found in the ticket, here is what happens with the 360 Monitoring system:

    -your initial sign up is a 2-week trial
    -after that two weeks, if a specific plan isn't purchased you are automatically on the free "Lite" plan they offer.

    Specific details about the Lite plan with regards to cPanel:

    -with one account (aka, one email address that you've signed up for) you can monitor 1 server, and 5 sites on that specific server.
    -if you are adding servers via WHMCS, you can add an unlimited number of servers to one account

    SO - it is possible to have all your servers under one account, but that would be a paid option and not something that is included with the free cPanel version.

    This currently is not anywhere in the cPanel documentation, so I'm working to get that added to the docs so we can avoid all this confusion in the future.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    DOCS-393 is the case to get those details added to

  • PeteS

    Ok, thanks for clarifying.

    I added 4 servers through WHM (not WHMCS, but I assume it's the same either way) and I *think* they all showed results in WHM, but now only 1 shows data. Would that one be the first I added to the account?IT seemed like a legit thing to do in their interface, but seems to have created account issues.

    But they all show monitoring data in the 360 account. Glitch or by design? (Seems wrong...)

    It looks like I can't remove them from the 360 account with uninstalling via CLI first (per 360's remove server popup).

    So is adding each server to a 360 account required for it to work, or optional?

    Yes, adding it to docs = a good thing. :)

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    My understanding is that with the free account, each server you add will need a unique email address/account.

  • PeteS

    Maybe Imunify needs to give an answer for what's going on then.

    All I know is I added the first server with an email address, which created an account. When I went to a second server it rejected the email as already in use, but offered the option to log in with an existing account, so I did and it let me!

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Not Imunify - Imunify360 is a completely different product than 360Monitoring and the two are not related.

    I'd reply to the ticket with more details about your situation.

  • PeteS

    That's what I thought, until you mentioned the Imunify team, 2 days ago. ;)

    I'll reply to the ticket about this.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Ohman, I messed it up too!!!!!

  • HostXNow_Chris

    This is silly. I don't want this monitor tool to monitor DNS-only servers. How to uninstall it completely?

    I ran the uninstallation script uninstall it, but within seconds, it reinstalled itself

     sh <(curl || wget -O -
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  3013  100  3013    0     0  75325      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 75325
    [SUCCESS] The service agent360 has been stopped
    [SUCCESS] The service agent360 has been disabled
    [SUCCESS] The Python modules for 360 Monitoring have been removed
    [SUCCESS] The user agent360 has been deleted
    [SUCCESS] The configuration of the service agent360 has been removed
    [SUCCESS] The systemd data has been updated
    [SUCCESS] The 360 Monitoring configuration files have been deleted

    Do you want to remove agent360 logs (y/n)? y
    [SUCCESS] The logs have been removed

    [INFO] Please wait for 15 minutes and, then, remove the server from 360 Monitoring > Servers

    What if someone is using monitoring from CloudLinux or some custom monitor tools? There's no need to force the installation and use resources unnecessarily.

    I'm sorry, but you guys are doing a great job of forcing others to use alternative control panels with these annoying up/cross-sells that are overcharging more and more. It's a real shame what is happening to cPanel.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    HostXNow_Chris - I don't have any additional details on how to remove that at this time, but I did bring this up to the team again to saw that people would still like the option to totally remove this.

  • vpswing

    Do I have to open any ports in order for the 360monitoring site to access the server stats? 
    Or does the agent360 post the cPanel Server stats to 360monitoring site?

  • PeteS

    vpswing AFAIK agent360 posts to the monitoring site without opening any ports.

  • vpswing

    Thanks PeteS - so if I have the ConfigServer (csf) enabled, what EGRESS port should I enable to allow agent360 to post to the monitoring site? Tagging cPRex


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    They are no special firewall considerations for this tool.

  • vpswing

    Thanks cPRex and PeteS

  • techguide

    My experience is if I uninstall it, but then I visit the WHM Server Monitor link, it will re-install itself. So don't visit that link after you uninstall it. Also after some but not all cpanel updates, the monitoring might be installed again.

    Regarding CSF and firewall rules for 360monitoring, CSF has automatically included the servers in /etc/csf/cpanel.allow. That file will be automatically updated and overwritten with csf updates. So if you want to modify those settings, perhaps modify /etc/csf/csf.allow and /etc/csf/csf.ignore and comment out the /etc/csf/cpanel.allow file. Then create your own file with whatever inclusions you want in it and add an include statement to that file in csf.allow. Take care modifying this file or cPanel might not function as intended. This is the official statement from cPanel on authorization license servers that need to be allowed





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