Unable to get SSL
While running AutoSSL, LetsEncrypt always going to IPV6 address and not Ipv4.
12:11:01 AM WARN Local HTTP DCV error (domainc.om): The system failed to fetch the DCV (Domain Control Validation) file at “http://domain.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/Q_E_CB3T9-K3-NYJE7T70NB4OGLU1VNZ” because of an error: The system failed to send an HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) “GET” request to “http://domain.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/Q_E_CB3T9-K3-NYJE7T70NB4OGLU1VNZ” because of an error: Could not connect to 'xxxx:xxxxx:xxxx:xxxx': IPv6 Address family for hostname not supported. The domain domain.com resolved to an IPv6 address “XXXX” that does not exist on this server.
WARN Local HTTP DCV error (www.domain.com): The system failed to fetch the DCV (Domain Control Validation) file at “http://www.domain.com.co.in/.well-known/acme-challenge/W3J2YKTODUBNUAQALBO10AJBPDJTN_QO” because of an
Due to this error, I am unable to get SSL for any domain.
I have alerady disabled ipv6 at system level and in the whm as well still autossl is going for IPv6
is there any fix for this issue?
Does domain.com resolve to an IPv6 address?
If it does does the IPv6 address point to your server?
It does not matter if IPv6 is disabled or enabled in your server.
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