The SPAMHAUS DQS has been configured in the Exim configuration manager according to the above two solutions.
This email was delivered, but it should have been rejected during the SMTP session. Your MX is not configured to use SMTP-level block listing for the block list for this test.
I wonder if it has to do with where you put it in the exim.conf via the Advanced Editor. I do not have DQS. But I do use multpile RBLs, such as Barracuda, Spamhaus. And none of them are "inside" the "custom_begin_rbl". They are all just below "custom_begin_rbl" in their own blocks.
There is nothing actually in my "custom_begin_rbl" and "custom_end_rbl" blocks. The custom RBLs are blocks nested within "custom_begin_rbl" and "custom_end_rbl"
Just to make things clearer I temporarily unchecked the RBLs I use (barracuda, Spamhaus, etc) to make things more clear visually. Look at my screenshot.
If I checkmark custom_begin_rbl and custom_end_rbl there is nothing in them. Notice there are blocks nested inside that block though, such as barracuda_rbl, primary_hostname_rbl and spamhaus_rbl. If I checkmark (activate) barracuda_rbl, primary_hostname_rbl, and spamhaus_rbl, the code for those are inside those blocks.
In your case it looks like you have put everything directly in "custom_begin_rbl".
I dont know if that is your problem or not. But that is the difference I see.
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