cpanel error when adding an addon domain
cpanel error when adding an addon domain that actually is using an IP on the server the domain is being added to:
Error: (XID tjhssz) This domain points to an IP address that does not use the DNS servers associated with this server. Transfer the domain to this server’s nameservers at the domain’s registrar or update your system to recognize the current DNS servers. To do this, use WHM’s Configure Remote Service IPs interface.
the client was no able to add the domain as add-on without a server admin adding one of the IP addressed for remote DNS servers for the domain.
After adding the remote DNS IP they could added the domain.
Success: You have successfully created the new “” domain with the document root of “/home/example/public_html_example-add”.
This should not be require. Used should be able to manage their own DNS at a registrar and still host on our servers when the A record is pointed to a server hosted IP address.
Is there a fix for this?
It seems to be a problem that was fixed then reappeared.
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This is a setting the server administrator can set under WHM->Tweak Settings->Domains->Allow Remote Domains ("Allow creation of parked/addon domains that resolve to other servers (e.g. domain transfers) This can be a major security problem. If you must have it enabled, be sure not to allow users to park common Internet domains.")
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