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cpanel error when adding an addon domain



  • JIKOmetrix

    the client was no able to add the domain as add-on without a server admin adding one of the IP addressed for remote DNS servers for the domain.

    After adding the remote DNS IP they could added the domain.

    Success: You have successfully created the new “” domain with the document root of “/home/example/public_html_example-add”.

    This should not be require. Used should be able to manage their own DNS at a registrar and still host on our servers when the A record is pointed to a server hosted IP address.

    Is there a fix for this?

    It seems to be a problem that was fixed then reappeared.

  • rbairwell

    This is a setting the server administrator can set under WHM->Tweak Settings->Domains->Allow Remote Domains ("Allow creation of parked/addon domains that resolve to other servers (e.g. domain transfers) This can be a major security problem. If you must have it enabled, be sure not to allow users to park common Internet domains.")


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