Again Database Uploading Error on Hostinger Cloudpanel
Hello users,
I'm facing another problem, this time in the cloud panel. I have a website and its database is over 800 MB. Now the main problem is that I'm using Ubuntu 24.0 and the database uploading limit is only 100 MB. I have tried all the things like increasing the mar upload size in the ini file, server setting, or PHP configuration file. But didn't get the solution. Would anyone be able to find the right solution to this problem?
What sort of access have you got to your hosting account? If you have SSH access, then just upload the backup file via SFTP (or via cPanel File Manager) then run something like this from the SSH terminal:
mysql -u [mysql username] -p [mysql database name] < [filename.sql]
Replacing the square brackets with the cPanel issued MySQL username and Database name as relevant, and the filename.sql with the details of where you uploaded your file to (i.e. if you uploaded it to the base/root of your account, it should be in the same folder as you SSHed into). You'll then be prompted for the MySQL password you setup in cPanel - it should then manually import things for you.
See or .
If you have any problems, it's probably best to contact Hostinger themselves directly as they have more knowledge about your account and the server setup.
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