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Out of Space?


1 comment

  • rbairwell

    If you SSH into the server as root (or open Terminal in WHM), you can then run:

    du / -h --max-depth=1

    which will list all the folders in the root directory (/) with a human readable file size (-h) just one directory deep (the max-depth). Doing it from root will throw up a few "cannot access /proc..." warnings which can be ignored.

    Your largest directories will probably be /backup (if you've configured your backup to backup to the same drive - not a good idea), /home (where the user folders are kept) and then /var (where logs, MySQL data and the like is kept).

    These figures will not necessarily total the "Usage" shown in the WHM Disk Usage (aka "df -h") as symlinks and the virtual file system (/home/virtfs) will cause "fake duplicates" and transient files (such as temporary files/emails etc) may be present at one point and not the next.

    If you need more information, you can either re-run with a specific directory:

    du /home/ -h --max-depth=1

    (for example, to see whose user account is the largest - the "virtfs" directory should be ignored as it isn't actually a "real directory" but how WHM helps isolate users from each other, but it contains a lot of symbolic links [symlinks] which will cause it to look a lot larger than it really is)


    du /var/ -h --max-depth=2

    to list all the directories in /var/ and their immediate child directories (max-depth=2) and the associated directory/folder sizes.


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