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  • cosmin.balanean commented,

    That was it: This function uses the parameter 'dbuser', not 'name'. @cPanelTJ Thank you

  • cosmin.balanean commented,

    I'm not sure what you mean... The API is $cpanelApiEndpoint = ''; $cpanelUsername = 'rightUsername; $cpanelPassword = 'rightPassword'; $d...

  • cosmin.balanean commented,

    The code I provided has the name declared in line 8. I also tried: $requestData = array( 'cpanel_jsonapi_version' => 2, 'cpanel_jsonapi_module' => 'MysqlFE', 'c...

  • cosmin.balanean created a post,

    Create database user

    Hi guys, Any ideas why this code creates a database, but doesn't creat the user. It throws the error: The "name" argument cannot be empty. at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 437 The file...