
  • Total activity 26
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Latest activity by khalled
  • khalled created a post,

    error when try to access email or delete it

    after i create new mail through cpanel i get the following error when i try to access this mail User ****@****.net is not authorized for Mail (Host: 41.***.****.****). and when i try to delete t...

  • khalled created a post,

    export backup of my forum database

    when i try to export backup to my PC from my forum database via mysql at cpanel i not success in that may because of large size of the database (3500 Mb) is there is any way of command which i can...

  • khalled commented,

    ]Do not paste the output from that command here. There's no need for it. Remove the users with bad email addresses from your list of folks you send the email to. You mention you're sending the e...

  • khalled commented,

    i apperaite if any one can help

  • khalled created a post,

    Prevent server from bouncing back emails

    I send newsletter from my forum to members and because some mail of members became failed by time, i get the following error massage [PHP]This message was created automatically by mail delivery so...

  • khalled commented,

    very thanks

  • khalled created a post,

    Locate activity by subject with Exim

    we run the following command to locate duplicate subjects from Exim mail log [PHP]awk -F"T=\"" '/<=/ {print $2}' /var/log/exim_mainlog | cut -d\" -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n [/PHP] what if ...

  • khalled created a post,

    DNS information error

    When try to enable Email Authentication(to verify the origin of an email message sent to or from my domain. ) in Cpanel i get the following error massage "WARNING: The system cannot verify that th...

  • khalled created a post,

    email from /var/spool/exim

    i run vBulletin forum on VPS server when i run the follwoin command /$ grep "cwd=" /var/log/exim_mainlog | awk '{for(i=1;i<=10;i++){print $i}}' | sort | uniq -c | grep cwd | sort -n i get the fo...

  • khalled created a post,

    unable to open private key file for reading

    i get the following error when run the command tail -500 /var/log/exim_mainlog errot [PHP]2014-06-09 12:17:46 1Wu2GU-0003sJ-Ga unable to open private key file for reading: /var/cpanel/domain_key...