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Latest activity by sparek-3
  • sparek-3 created a post,

    July 11 EasyApache 4 missing changelog

    An update for EasyApache 4 was released on July 11th. There's no entry in the EasyApache 4 changelog detailing what this release was for.

  • sparek-3 created a post,

    Diagnosing A network error occurred during your login request error

    We have a user that is experiencing a "A network error occurred during your login request" error when they try to log into an email account via webmail for one account. I am not able to duplicate ...

  • sparek-3 created a post,

    CPANEL-43451 - Issues with cpanel-dovecot-solr-8.11.2-6.6.2.cpanel.noarch update

    Trying to update to cpanel-dovecot-solr-8.11.2-6.6.2.cpanel.noarch I get the error: [plain]Error: Problem: package cpanel-dovecot-solr-server-8.11.2-6.6.2.cpanel.noarch requires java-headless = 1...

  • sparek-3 created a post,

    spamd constantly failing

    Upgraded a server to cPanel 110 - not sure if that's related, but issue didn't present itself while the server was on cPanel 102. Seems spamd just constantly fail. Even running spamd in an intera...

  • sparek-3 created a post,

    CPANEL-43012 - Recreate nft inet filter cpanel-dovecot-solr

    The latest cpanel-dovecot-solr update mucked up something in the nft tables on a server and now solr will not start. [plain][nftables] "/sbin/nft flush chain inet filter cpanel-dovecot-solr" faile...

  • sparek-3 created a post,

    cPanel 102 EOL

    Getting messages that cPanel 102 will reach end of life soon. This isn't particularly shocking, I've been expecting it. But the shocking part is that I've seen no mention of this any where on thi...

  • sparek-3 created a post,

    Spam box to INBOX

    Is there any process that moves mail from an email account's spam box into the email account's INBOX? I'm trying to diagnose an "issue" where spam messages get delivered into the email account's s...

  • sparek-3 created a post,

    CPANEL-42630 - Determining best certificate logic

    How does cPanel's best certificate for a service logic work? It seems that for addon domains, despite having a certificate issued for that domain name - and mail. included in the SANs for that cer...

  • sparek-3 created a post,

    Default PHP change - CentOS 7

    Anybody else running CentOS 7 with their default PHP version set to 8.0 noticing that some mysterious task is resetting the default PHP version to 8.1? This has happened on more than one occasion....

  • sparek-3 created a post,

    Command Line / API - Mailbox format conversion

    Is there a way to convert mailbox formats from the command line or through the API? I'm not seeing anything in the API documentation - but I may not be looking for the right thing.