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Latest activity by pbixdesign
  • pbixdesign created a post,

    Clear Cache directory

    Hi!! I have an unusual problem, it turns out that every minute I have a tool that uploads some CSV files to a folder on a server, on the other hand I have a cron that checks if there is a new file...

  • pbixdesign commented,

    Thank you Eminds, That's the first thing I did, but since the database is too big, I always have errors and i never copy the entire database. we Can not do with ssh? Thank you

  • pbixdesign created a post,

    Copy a database from one account to another account by ssh

    Hi, I want to copy a database from one account to another account that I have on the same server. I usually do this when it comes to the same account mysqldump -u user -p'password 'nameBD | ssh use...