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Recent activity by DennisMidjord Recent activity Votes
  • Email sent as "username@hostname"

    Hi, We have a problem with emails. We have a few clients that receive emails from a contact form on their WP installation. This email is being sent to them from "user@hostname" though, and this ca...

  • Do I need to setup a new server from scratch?

    Hi, I'm thinking that I must've been doing something wrong. I've setup a few new WHM/cPanel servers since I was hired by a hosting company last year, but all of them has been setup and configured ...

  • php.ini is read from wrong location

    Hi, Sorry if this is misplaced, but we've just upgraded to EA4 to serve one of the benefits - a seperate php.ini for each domain. However, it seems like this is not working for us. When looking th...

  • Cloudflare fails to provision domain

    We get the following error when trying to provision a domain using the CloudFlare plugin: Client error response [status code] 404 [reason phrase] Not Found

  • How does DNSSec work

    Hi, I saw that recently DNSSec support was added. How would we go about using it with cPanel/WHM? We're using BIND nameserver, but I don't see DNSSec support listed like it is with PowerDNS. Our n...

  • Client not able to send mails to certain customers

    We have a client that uses PrestaShop. PrestaShop seems to be having some issues sending emails to people that has a special character in their name (they're having issues with ", " and "). Checkin...

  • file error - menu/root.tmpl: not found

    We encountered this error recently. We were trying to move an account from one server to the other, but the process stalled at 25% for hours. Retrying did nothing, but I could see that databases an...

  • See reason why email is filtered?

    Hi, Is it possible to see why an email was filtered? I know you can see the sender address, but this isn't really sufficient. One of our clients has a lot of rules, and it seems like random mails ...

  • Webserver using PHP 5.4 despite being set to 5.6

    Hi, One of our customers contacted us about some PHP extensions that wasn't enabled despite being enabled under 'Select PHP version'. I quickly saw that his website (which is an addon domain with ...

  • Alternative to R1Soft that doesn't slow down

    Hi, We're looking for an alternative to R1Soft. We're currently using R1Soft to offer our customers backups from the last 30 days, but R1Soft takes longer and longer to finish backups, and now we'...