Michael Legg

  • Total activity 116
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Recent activity by Michael Legg Recent activity Votes
  • PHP 7.3 Cannot Display Errors

    Hi Guys I've just upgraded to PHP 7.3 and no matter what I do, PHP refuses to display errors. I've tried all of the usual things that I've been doing for the last 20 years, but I just get ... Thi...

  • MariaDB Encryption at Rest - Existing Database Tables Not Encrypted

    I just upgraded our db server to MariaDB 10.4 with the express purpose of utilizing MariaDB's encryption at rest capabilities. I've configured the server for encryption and now if I create a new t...

  • MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade on Remote Server

    The cPanel "MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade" tool doesn't work if you have MySQL running on a separate server . When I try to run it, I get the message "This system uses a remote server for MySQL/MariaDB. Pe...

  • The license has been activated too many times on different machines

    I received this message this morning when trying to access WHM... [quote] Cannot Read License File To access the interface, you must install the license and ensure that the license is active. You c...

  • Can't Lodge Support Ticket

    I'm trying to lodge a support ticket about this issue which I've had for over a year now - Support Access Error The following error(s) have occurred: IP address and support access ID do not matc...

  • cPanel can't connect to MySQL server (Remote)

    After running fine for about 3 months. Our cPanel server suddenly can't connect to our MySQL server. When I go to the MySQL profile editor and try to validate the MySQL server I get "Failed to "va...

  • Which Backup Cron is "Real"

    Under "Configure cPanel Cron Jobs" there are two commands "backup and "cpbackup". Their descriptions are identical other than their name and their default run times. Which one is the "real" one th...

  • cPanel using wrong hostname to connect to MySQL server

    I've recently set up a fresh cPanel installation with MySQL running on a separate server. When I verify the MySQL database profile via WHM>>Manage MySQL Profiles>>Validate, it's all good. But whe...

  • License IP Incorrect

    I have installed cPanel on a new server and after the installation the broadcast IP of the server was changed. Everything appears to be working OK, the new IP appears in WHM as the default IP. lyn...

  • Install MySQL 5.6?

    I've set up a remote MySQL database, but cPanel can't connect to it because MySQL 5.7 was installed by default and according to the error message I get from the "Manage MySQL profiles" page cpanel ...