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Recent activity by morteza3245 Recent activity Votes
  • Restoring Account From Backup Failure

    Hello i restored website from Cpanel-backup to server but it not load website now, and it just show me below page: - Removed - and once i restored it, it show me lot of errors, below: Account Fo...

  • Bulk DNS Addition

    hello i have around 30website on cpanel server as i use proxypass, so i use A record to proxy server now i want add one server proxy for servers so i should edit each dns zone file for each website...

  • Disable redirect to hostname?

    hello i configured like below image: 49863 but still i see when i put then it redirect to hostname how i can fix this? thanks.

  • Block a user from sending email?

    hello how i can block port 25 for a user or i restrict a user from sending email just for one user account. Thanks.

  • Add multiple IPs to A record?

    hello how i can fill multiple ips on A records? like this image: [removed - please upload images directly to the thread] thanks.

  • Hide Server IP Address

    hello i want hide real vps ip with proxy list so hackers will not see myself ip vps i know cloudflare do this, but i dont want use cloudflare, i want use proxy list how this is possible? thanks.

  • Unknown process imedated?

    hello i have process on my whm and dont know what is it, it have lot of usage: Thanks.

  • DISKWARN blocks Mount Point “/var/tmp”

    hello i received below email, what is the best action i should do? The filesystem "/var/tmp" mounted at "/var/tmp" reached "warn" status because you currently use 91.92% of its available blocks. ...

  • The service “cpdavd” appears to be down.

    hello i received below error in my email from server, what is problem and how i can solve it? The service "cpdavd" appears to be down. Server Primary IP Address Se...

  • Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB' error: Corrupt

    hello when i repair a database, i receive this error: Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB' error: Corrupt screenshot: then, i trying fix using this tu...