
  • Total activity 130
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Votes on activity by chanklish Recent activity Votes
  • rkhunter explanation

    hello awesome people i installed rk hunter on my vps and received the first scan log but i understood nothing as i am new to the security world of cpanel can someone please explain the warning: [ ...

  • email disk usage explanation

    in cpanel email disk usage, in the default account, i have several things i do not know what they are can someone explain them for me please or at least let me know if my cpanel is compromised ?! i...

  • Access log entry question

    hello in my access log i can see lines like this from different IPs : - - [08/01/2018:10:59:40 -0000] "-" 401 0 "-" "-" "-" "-" 2087 what are these exactly ?

  • restore website backup on local wamp

    hello backed up my website using the website backup tool in cpanel but when i am not able to open to wamp? i know this is not a cpanel issue - but can anyone guide me on how to restore the tar.gz ...

  • problem accessing https//whm vs 2086

    hello awesome people i have a question concerning my whm page if i go to where the https works normally on the contrary if i go to why ? why doesnt the

  • HTTPS to HTTP redirection

    hello awesome people i have a small simple website with no ssl working normally if i open it in https .. it takes me to cgibin page then an error how can i redirect the https to http ? i tried t...

  • Disable php functions weird encoding

    hello awesome people i was trying to disable some php functions in the php file in /opt/cpanel/ea-php55/root/usr/bin/php (and php56-php70) but the php file is written in a weird encoding or maybe c...

  • Restricting IP access to a specific website page

    hello awesome people of cpanel i am looking to restrict access to a specific page in my website to a number of ip addresses i already looked into blocking ip option in cpanel or in htaccess but t...

  • Using AV clamscan question

    hello i installed av clam and i can scan manually correctly but then i wanted to set a chron job for my domains i used this from the documentation : for i in `awk '!/nobody/{print $2 | "sort | uni...

  • Forbidding users from using another smtp server

    hello i have several accounts in my whm that all uses my server as email server it is working normally without any issues with spf,dkim and dmarc set . lately i found several users using other sm...