
  • Total activity 192
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Votes on activity by jazee Recent activity Votes
  • Copying Server Manually

    Let's say I run into a situation where I need to replace my physical server and restore all the files, but my WHM account and full system backup is a day old. Since that backup, a few accounts may...

  • Daily Account Sync Between Two Servers

    Wondering what the best option(s) are for doing essentially a daily automated account transfer of all account on one server to another. I want the second server to serve as sort of a hot-swappable...

  • Having to Re-Enter Contact/Server Info On Every Cpanel Support Ticket

    Am I missing something or am I correct that in the Cpanel Customer Portal, when you submit a Tech Support Ticket, every single time you have to re-enter your contact info (name, email) and all your...

  • Php-Cli Missing After Migration to EasyApache 4

    I have cron events that run php-cli. However after upgrading to EasyApache 4 the binary is missing. The profile am using shows php-cli is installed for all versions of PHP though?

  • Adding Domain Alias When Not Running Local DNS

    I tried to add a domain alias and got an error message that the domain couldn't be resolved on the local server. I am not running any DNS on the local server because DNS for all my domains is hand...

  • Migrating cPanel Settings to New Server?

    I'm migrating to a new server with same OS but old server is WHM 56 and new server is latest WHM 58. I already ran into issue with missing PHP modules and differences in php.ini settings causing i...

  • PHP Versions Question

    I was having an issue setting up replication using phpMyAdmin and I believed it may have had to do with unresolved issues in version 4.0.x. When I attempted to upgrade it myself (server wide) not ...

  • Best Full Featured Backup Solution?

    Currently using the built-in Cpanel backup system which is fine for accounts that are either not hosting mission-critical apps and/or the rate of data change is not very high. I backup daily with ...

  • ModSecurity Rules Backup

    I've used the ModSecurity Tools plugin to create some rules. Does the system level Cpanel backup back those rules up too?

  • Code Editor Jumbled in Chrome

    For some reason the code editor is buggy in Chrome. Essentially it displays a duplicate of the line you are editing one line below the actual line. I've seen this bug reported in various places b...