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Recent activity by dandadude Recent activity Votes
  • Attachment filename filtering

    Hi! My main question: I would like to filter based on an exact attachment name (Form.zip). So no mails can get through that have exactly a "Form.zip" file attached. How is that possible? Every sol...

  • Filter rule not working properly

    Hi! A client of mine has the following global e-mail filter rule: ---- filtername: domain deny rules: - match: ends opt: or part: "$header_from:" val...

  • Spamassassin did no SPF check for this mail, but should have done it

    Hi! A worker received a fake mail from his boss about sending money. The mail should have been spam because of the SPF record, but spamassassin did not make any mention of SPF_FAIL or anykind of S...

  • SMTPUTF8 is required, but was not offered by host

    Hi! A client of mine reported that he cannot receive mail from someone who can send to other servers without a problem. I asked for the log and the problem is this in their postfix log: "SMTPUTF8 ...

  • Unable to send mail from cpanel, possibly remote side greylist isn't handled correctly

    Hi! Weird problem arised few days ago (client reported just about now). - cPanel e-mail user sends mail to user@domain.xyz and everything seems fine, but the user@domain.xyz never receives the ma...

  • Disallow setting forwarders and filters through webmail interface

    Hi! It is a fairly new feature that an e-mail address owner can set forwarders and filters simply logging into the 2096 webmail interface. This is something that I would like to disable and only l...

  • UTF-8 mailbox names

    Hi! I am aware of the option in cPanel where you can set "UTF-8 mailbox names" (browse to cPanel >> Email Accounts and click on Manage next to the default email user to see if the UTF-8 Mailbox Na...

  • SOLR does not seem to be working

    Hi! I am unable to see that solr is working or not, because: - plugin is installed - "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/install_dovecot_fts" reports that everything is installed - "/usr/local/cpanel/scrip...

  • Automatic cPanel backup with SQL dumps and without homedirs

    Hi! I have a problem that probably many of you face. I want to use the automatic backup feature of cPanel, but my users have lots of data that are being backed up by virtual image backup software...

  • webmail subdomain problem (npn-HTTPS)

    Hi Guys! Some of my clients have been reporting this week issues with logging into webmail (authentication failure). I found out that the reason for this is that , thus the login is asked for cpan...