Patrick Heinz
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Patrick Heinz commented,
Hello, Here's a post from 2013, but maybe it helps.
Patrick Heinz commented,
Or, if you want to restart cPanel service: /scripts/restartsrv_cpsrvd
Patrick Heinz commented,
Hello, /scripts/restartsrv_apache_php_fpm
Patrick Heinz commented,
Ol", Certifique-se de que est" seguindo as instru""es da p"gina: It is important to choose a hostname that you will not be using for any account. You should choose something that will be socially...
Patrick Heinz commented,
Hello, Any errors in /var/log/maillog?
Patrick Heinz created a post,
Is there a tool for the community to help with translating locales?
Hello Checking on v64, we found new features that aren't fully translated that could be confusing on customers that speak other languages than English. We know about the Locale Editor, but it wou...
Patrick Heinz commented,
Hello, Are you running cPanel? Anyway, account quota can cause the "too many invalid IMAP commands" error.
Patrick Heinz commented,
@cPanelMichael. Solved changing permissions of /home folder from 711 to 755.
Patrick Heinz commented,
Cara, Por acaso o /home " uma montagem nfs, ou tipo de parti""o diferente do / ? J" aconteceu isso comigo depois de um upgrade do cPanel. Executa um chmod 755 /home Vai funcionar. Tua /home/ est...
Patrick Heinz commented,
Ok, parece que " tudo referente " permiss"es ainda. Poste o resultado do comando: namei -l /home/spartanas/public_html/.htaccess Outra coisa, o dom"nio foi criado com o endere"o