
  • Total activity 42
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Recent activity by slinky Recent activity Votes
  • ea4.strace 17GB file?

    After upgrading to EA4 and then deciding to downgrade to try to use http/2 I've noticed an ea4.strace file in my root that is 17G in size and filling up my root partition. Can I delete this file?

  • Redirect subdomain to subdirectory of same name

    I've noticed that I've got a subdomain that used to exist and requires redirect to a subirectory of the same name, e.g. is now . A subdomain must be created in ord...

  • Backup creates .ph files instead of .php

    Can't explain why using the backup manager creates a tarball with several dozen files named with an extension .ph instead of .php .

  • Paper Lantern Retro Style doesn't show

    According to this post, it would see that the Retro style for Paper Lantern should show up. I don't see any options other than Paper Lantern. On accounts that use X3 they still use X3 and the only ...

  • Cloudflare plugin doesn't show up

    I've installed the Cloudflare plugin as stated by Cloudflare's instructions. Said "OK" and I thought we'd be ready to go. I rebooted Apache after not seeing the Cloudflare icons show up in a user's...

  • SPDY Support

    Was looking into switching several sites to https - but without the spdy module, it seems that Apache runs considerably slower, at least what I've seen reported. I am reluctant to move these sites ...

  • How to Disable Insecure Cyphers SSL

    Running a test at Qualys resulted in seeing a number of insecure cyphers that prevented me from getting an acceptable "A" grade. Since WHM / CPanel has its own way of doing things, I preferred to g...

  • Best way to setup shared IP addresses for SSL?

    I'm having some challenges getting something I'll need to have occur often setup reliably -- setting up a shared IP address dedicated for domains using SSL. I have read a couple of issues with CPan...

  • Redirect Tool doesn't work properly

    Seems like there was a query string in the URL which is the source of the issue.

  • IP address and Support Access ID don't work

    I'm having server problems and WHM and Cpanel have both been inaccessible for several hours. I've tried to use the online support as worked many times in the past but it's the first time using the ...