VM Creativo
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VM Creativo commented,
We will have to look for alternatives soon, this looks like going up until many of us leave, they will see how far they can push
VM Creativo commented,
facing the same probleme , can any one tell us the solution to resolve the problem of 502 and DOS of httpd and apatche. See my solution above, it has been working for 10 days without problems
VM Creativo commented,
I have a temporary solution Make a backup of the vhost creation template: [CODE=bash]cp /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/vhost.default /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/vhost.default.bak Edit the v...
VM Creativo commented,
Same here: [CODE=apacheconf]VirtualHost [1234:1234:0000:0000:1234:1234:1234:1234]:8080> ServerName client_domain.com ServerAlias ipv6.client_domain.com mail.client_domain.com ww...
VM Creativo commented,
I answer myself, to use wp-cli in cron to run wp-cron: cd ~/public_html; /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/bin/wp cron event run --due-now --quiet
VM Creativo commented,
From your root account: Move to tmp dir cd /tmp Download WP-Cli curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar Make it executable: chmod +x wp-cli.phar Mov...
VM Creativo created a post,
Users cannot use WP-CLI in cron
Hello, I installed WP-CLI from root, I can use it from a user's terminal without problems, but when I want to use it in CRON, I get the following errors: PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant ST...