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Latest activity by rudolfl
  • rudolfl commented,

    Hi, It is most likely a plugin causing this. Page is a generic one from Wordpress (custom post creation), but one of the plugins is likely to act on it. As this is a live site, I am a bit hesitant ...

  • rudolfl created a post,

    Error 500 is not being logged

    Hi all, I am trying to fix error 500 that appears on some pages in my Wordpress site. - Wordpress debug log does not log this error (logs all other relevant activity, though) - /home//logs/.ftp.lo...

  • rudolfl created a post,

    Lots of Spam not processed by SpamAssassin

    Hi all, Getting lots of spam messages and none of them have a SpamAssasin score. Is SpamAssassin bypassing some e-mails? Than only thing in common is that "From" address is tweaked to appear as i...

  • rudolfl commented,

    Thank you Michael, All fixed now. Hopefully this will help someone. Scenario: By default, mail server name is and this is how I configured my mail client (settings are shown in c...

  • rudolfl created a post,

    Where is all that space gone?

    Hi all, cPanel reports mailbox uses 1.56G of disk space and there are no messages (see screenshot) This particular account is a default one for domain and is not being used as an active e-mail ac...

  • rudolfl created a post,

    Location of SSL certificate file

    Hi all, First a bit of history. One of the accounts has a domain There is a mail server associated with this domain is protected by SSL, but "mail.e...

  • rudolfl commented,

    I can access my emails from anywhere in the world. However, services like WHM, SSH, FTP & Cpanel are restricted to just a handful of IP's. I assume you blacklisted all IPs and whitelisted the ones...

  • rudolfl commented,

    Just a thought -- is there a way to "whitelist" a device rather than IP? Perhaps by exchanging security keys. I always use same PCs/phone to log in. Thanks, Rudolf

  • rudolfl commented,

    I often use my mobile to access e-mails. It is not practical to white list IP ranges of mobile operators. In addition, I travel to China often. And all of China IPs' are blocked by cpHulk, as I see...

  • rudolfl created a post,

    make cpHulk ignore certain services?

    Hi all, I would like cpHulk not to block access to IMAP/POP mail services. I only want certain PC's to be able to authenticate for cPanel, ssh, etc.., but I want to be able to check my e-mail fro...