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Recent activity by cPSean-
Hello, I am getting the following error each night: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate: error: libcare:3 bad rotation count '5 # keep 5 last archives' error: found error in /var/log/libcare/*.log, skip...
i tried to but there is no redirection after whm login can u help If you're experiencing a problem generating a trial license it would be best to reach out to our Customer Service team so they...
Hello, AutoSSL does not work on DNS only servers, however, are eligible for free hostname certificates through the cPanel store. Can you try running the checkallsslcerts command? /usr/local/cpa...
Hello, You can use the operating system to disable the service from starting on boot. CentOS 7 : systemctl disable mysql CentOS 6: chkconfig mysql off You will also want to make sure you st...
Hello, MySQL is not explicitly required for DNS-Only servers, in the past MySQL was used for the MyDNS nameserver, Eximstats, and cPhulkd. We no longer use MySQL for cPhulkd or Eximstats and MyDNS...
Hello, For the life of me, I can't find an area in WHM where to do this. There must be a way to do this without typing code somewhere. Any help is appreciated. There is not a way to verify that...