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Latest activity by simz8
  • simz8 created a post,

    cPanel's AutoSSL errors on installation

    Hello,  I am having autoSSL working with Sectigo in cPanel (v110.0.17) and i am facing the following problem during the last autossl attempt to fetch and install certs from Sectigo: ERROR (XID b9j6...

  • simz8 commented,

    There tons of other ips/domains with similar errors while trying to resolve them. Like the following (here is an excermpt from /var/log/messages):   Jul 15 13:15:07 vps2 rsyslogd: imjournal: journ...

  • simz8 commented,

    Hi cPRex , i see recursion no for the main options and for the external view :  options {    /* make named use port 53 for the source of all queries, to allow         * firewalls to block all port...

  • simz8 created a post,

    LFD - "named REFUSED unexpected RCODE resolving ..." attack?

    Hello, i am using cPanel v110.0.17 on a CentOS7.9 vps server (i am going to move probably any time soon to Almalinux). My CSF/LFD firewall sends every hour thousands of lines with the Log scanner r...

  • simz8 created a post,

    HANG: ⚠: chkservd on VPS every couple of days


    Hello, i am experiencing chkservd  hanging every couple of days (sometimes the problem comes up every two days, sometimes every 15-20 days). The cpu/memory load is fine: I am running a VPS CentOS7...

  • simz8 created a post,

    Way to face HTTP apache crawling and bruteforce?

    Hello, i am using cPanel v110.0.17 on a CentOS 7.9 VPS.  Lately i am noticing a lot of crawling or brute force HTTP attempts causing CPU load increase.    A sample of these attempts can be seen her...

  • simz8 created a post,

    CNAME leftovers from AutoSSL by comodoca?

    Hello, i was going through some records on some of my domains on my cpanel (v110.0.17) and i found out two CNAME records including webisk in the name and comodoca in the value field. :    On ANOTH...

  • simz8 commented,

    Thank you ITHKBO for your response. Checking with a /24 netmask at did not come up with any neighboring IPs with Poor reputation. Only 25 other serv...

  • simz8 created a post,

    Rate limit to Gmail / Google workspace

    Hello,  on my cpanel installation i have only two domains. The vast majority of emails are being sent by only one of them (almost 99% of outgoing emails). The volume, especially to Gmail/Google wor...

  • simz8 commented,

    cPRex  what do you mean automatically? Shall i start the upgrade process and when it reaches the latest v110 version it will stop (or fail)?Is that safe?