Thorsten H.

  • Total activity 44
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Recent activity by Thorsten H. Recent activity Votes
  • How to remove MySQL-User at phpmyadmin of WHM

    Hello, after the update to 62.0.7 my WHM tells me, that leechprotect and modsec databases are depricated and should be removed. OK so fare, that is something I can do with the phpmyadmin, that is i...

  • Monitorix with apache webserver and vhost

    Hello, I use monitorix to monitor the parameter of my server. It uses its own buildin webserver but I also can use to normal apache webserver to show the graphs. There is a documentation on how to ...

  • Getting errors from mail test sites -mxtoolbox

    Hello, I found that old treat, that has the same problem and the same messages I get while running SMTP-Test at I have 2 servers running centos 7 and the actual whm-version. My serv...

  • Subdomain redirecting incorrectly

    Hello, I got a new server and put one of my larger domains on it. the domain also has a subdomain. here is my problem: when I call Website1 everything is fine and the shop starts. when I call Webs...

  • Can't transfer an account using transfer tool

    Hello, I ordered a new server because I need more power and the old one is an VPS. I got a new dedicated server with centos 7.2 and WHM installed. The old VPS is running centos 6.8 and...

  • Optimize PHP and MySQL Request

    Hello, I have a big performanceproblem with my kvm-server. It is running cPanel 11.58 - ea-apache24-mod_mpm_worker - MariaDB 10.0 I have some tables in one database with more than 1.000.000 enties....

  • Can't send mail to GMX-accounts

    Hello, the last ddays I have a problem sending mail to different GMX-accounts. With other recepients there is no problem. This is, what the Mailserver tells me: This message was created automatic...

  • ImageMagick installation on actual cPanel-server

    Hello, I tried to install imagemagick on my cpanel server because I need it for image manipulation with type 3. I ran the following scrips: /scripts/installimagemagick At the end of the installa...

  • AutoSSL strange message about domain control validation

    Hello, I start using AutoSSL by now but I have a problem with it: When I ran a check on a domain/user I get this message: WARN The domain "www.*" has failed domain control validation ("ww...

  • vServer with 4 cores has 100% CPU-Usage

    Hi there, since some weeks I have a problem with my vServer. If there are more than 8 running tasks the 4 cores are all showing 100% at htop. And that aren't the rough processes: 1 MySQL and 7 PHP ...