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Latest activity by Friends4U
  • Friends4U commented,

    Great script BUT, after each new account creation you must run the script again (for the new account) and that will reset the choices of customers who DO want to have these emails.

  • Friends4U commented,

    I did, and it's fixed now :) I had an error in my /var/log/apache2/error_log sh: /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg: /bin/dash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory sh: /usr/local/bin/opt-jpg: /bin/da...

  • Friends4U commented,

    Still could use your help Michael... Everything is installed correct but I get the error: Bad response from optimizer I should be able to see the error (and why it's there) in the Apache Error l...

  • Friends4U commented,

    Found it :) Some files where not in /usr/local/bin but in /usr/bin so I changed the symlinks and now it's working :) I hope I did everything correct. ln -sf /usr/bin/opt-png /usr/local/bin/opt-pn...

  • Friends4U commented,

    I remove the old rpm yum remove rpmforge-release And installed a newer version # cd /usr/local/src/ # wget

  • Friends4U commented,

    What I did find... on the following site: CW Image Optimizer (it's from the WordPress plugin why I need it) For the opt-png, the following RPM is needed: # cd /usr/local/src/ # wget http://package...

  • Friends4U commented,

    I wish... But, I got a message from CPanel support that they will not honour my support request because it's thirth party software.

  • Friends4U created a post,

    Problem adding LittleUtils

    Hi, I have installed LittleUtils on my CloudLinux server: First the dependencies: # yum install gcc libpng libpng-devel gifsicle pngcrush p7zip lzip lzma Downloading and untarring LittleUtils (...

  • Friends4U commented,

    Found out how to do this... but I believe the "bad" a record is needed for iphone autodiscovery to work... But that does not work :( I made another ticket for this...

  • Friends4U created a post,

    Autodiscover not working on iphone

    How can I make autodiscover work on a Iphone or does it not work? Thunderbird, Outlook and connectivitytest are all OK.