
  • Total activity 105
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Latest activity by abdelhost77
  • abdelhost77 created a post,

    root directory is full

    Hi, I have intermittently a critical alert by mail indicating that root directory "/" is full at 95%, and when I launch the "df-h" command, I found it decreased at around 87%. this is happening at...

  • abdelhost77 created a post,

    roundcube log rotation

    Hi, I need to remove some logs in /var since it is filled at 85%, I find a huge Roundcube error file, and I don't need it, my question: is it safe to empty it by running the below commands? cd /...

  • abdelhost77 created a post,

    Filter spam messages based on text inside image?

    Hi, Actually, my users are receiving "phishing" emails indicating that their mailbox has been hacked and that they should pay in bitcoin to some hacker to avoid account deletion. The issue here is ...

  • abdelhost77 created a post,

    General question regarding members section

    I would like to know if possible to share my profile member page with an external audience ( Not Cpanel Members) since some Jobs to which I submit ask to see contributions in the Cpanel Forum.

  • abdelhost77 created a post,

    [CPANEL-24094] Relative paths required for backup destinations

    Hi, Backup type is incremental Using resync option to remote destination. Remote destination is validated ===> but backup is done locally and is not transferred to "remote destination" Did I miss s...

  • abdelhost77 created a post,

    dcpumon logs are empty

    Hi team , I noticed that "daily process log" shows empty table in the last few days. Also running dcpumonview script give an empty result. Cron service is running. I check /var/log/dcpumon/2018/Se...

  • abdelhost77 commented,

    Is it safe to run as root ? # chattr -a cphulkd_errors.log # > cphulkd_errors.log

  • abdelhost77 commented,

    Hi CpanelMichael , what is the solution please to that pb? i have the same, log file more than 10G, and wont be deleted . [/usr/local/cpanel/logs]# lsattr /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cphulkd_errors.lo...

  • abdelhost77 created a post,

    Mails not showing up in cPanel

    Dears, After upgrading to php5.6 from php 5.3 ( apache 2.2.34 ) Mails are not showing up anymore in Cpanel for all accounts is server . I see via SSH that mails accounts exist in home folder . ...

  • abdelhost77 created a post,

    Exim , imap , ftp , cpsrvd are down

    Hello, Imap, Ftpd, Exim, cpsrvd crash recently two time a days, at least . It crashs, than after 5-10 minutes thay recover and restart . Logs says: Reason Service check failed to complete Timeou...