
  • Total activity 210
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Votes on activity by 360webfirm Recent activity Votes
  • WHM Taking a LONG time to load

    Hello all, Just today, I noticed that one of my servers WHM is taking like 1 minute to load. When I go there, it comes up super fast, then I put in my Authenication code and it takes a minute or ...

  • The service “exim” appears to be down

    Good day to all of you. I am having the exim service go down, come back up and then go down yet again. The reason is because of to: 421 Too many concurrent SMTP connections; please try again late...

  • Server on blacklist need help

    Hello to you all. I realized that my VPS is on a blacklist for our server IP and our host says that they can provide a new IP not in same network as the individual IP is clean, but the network is ...

  • Wont redirct to https:// no matter what I do.

    Good day all you fellow C panel patrons. I have a weird issue which I have never experienced while using c panel and WordPress in the last 10 years. I have a website that has been set up for a fe...

  • You have some anonymous MySQL users

    Good day all, hope your doing well. Just set up a new server with another host and trying to figure out this security advisor warning. Remove MySQL anonymous MySQL users: mysql -e "DELETE FROM my...

  • Backup using Google Drive - Screen different

    Hello, I am trying to set up google drive for backups and when I get to thge screen, From the Which API are you using? menu, select Google Drive API. It does not show me this option. ( see image...

  • Disable Dovecot in mailserver config

    Hello all, I wanted to ask about the possibility of disabling Dovecot mail services without it causing any issues with external mail settings and WHM email delivery to me as admin. I have only a ...

  • Issue with OVH hosting and qemu agent

    Hello, CentOS 7 using C Panel and all updated version. I run a few servers from OVH hosting and use C Panel on all of them. Lately when I install a new server and set up, I have issues with the ...

  • Best way to backup WHM VPS server

    Good day to all of you, hope your keeping safe. I use OVH as my hosting provider and I use to have auto backups enabled. When I get a new server these days, I am having a lot of issues with this f...

  • The best solution for multiple VPS servers and C panel Licencing.

    Hello All, Can someone explain to me how the Premier license works? I have several servers with several c panel accounts on each and its costing a LOT of money each month for a c panel license. I...