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Recent activity by samuelmf Recent activity Votes
  • Use AutoSSL on Cname?

    I had this question too: On a server #1 i had this cname: https:// that points to https:// Server #2 https:// is secured by autossl How can i a...

  • Update and restart server

    Hi i peformed a kernel update on my server and on my whm i get a yellow message that i must restart yo apply kernel and software updates. My question is: that kernel update has been updated serve...

  • Move emails from one domain to another

    I had a new domain and i want to move all the emails on the to I've tried to do by copying the folders cur, new, tmp from ...

  • Problem creating a support ticket

    When i try to create a new ticket trough whm i get this error And when i try to create it by tickets portal i get this error My ip and the id are the same ones that the whm shows under suppor...

  • Install /29 ip range

    Hi i purchased a new ip /29 range, is there any tutorial for how install it by shell because when i install it by whm the installed ips dont work. The ip results on NO ROUTE Thanks

  • Avoid php to close sessions

    Hi my friends i don't know if this is the correct category to post this but: How can i do to configure my dedicated server with cpanel, to avoid that the php close very quickly the sessions of the...

  • Add additional nameservers

    Hi, my dedicated server actually had their own nameservers With their respective ips for each one This is what i want: Create another pair of nameserver to ...

  • Load webpage with the shared ip

    Hi my friends, normally when i put my shared ip on the address bar it loads a cgi-sys page, i want that my server loads a default webpage instead that page.

  • Apache down after migrate from EasyApache 3 to 4

    Hi i have installed easy apache 4 and after de installation with this command: /scripts/migrate_ea3_to_ea4 --run My server webs are unnavailable. And if i try to restart the apache by command li...

  • How to get a free self signed certificate

    Hi, few months ago i was recieved an email with this subject: Your free cPanel-signed hostname SSL certificate for How can a get a similar free certificate for a hostname on a...