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Latest activity by grabyourhosting
  • grabyourhosting created a post,

    Remove EA 4 profile?

    Is it possible to remove a profile in Easy Apache 4? If so, what are the commands or the way to remove a profile easily? Thank you.

  • grabyourhosting commented,

    Nevermind. It's sql_mode="" not sql-mode.

  • grabyourhosting created a post,

    Strict Mode on MYSQL 8.0

    How do I disable strict mode on MYSQL 8.0? sql-mode"" etc isn't working. Also, why don't I have an option to upgrade to Mariadb on Centos 8?

  • grabyourhosting created a post,

    Kernel Care and Cagefs.

    Is it bad to run both or should I save money by just running cagefs?

  • grabyourhosting created a post,

    Jupiter theme missing

    I am using cpanel version 11.98. I am in cpanel and looking in the styles area and no jupiter theme is available at all. Do I install it or what's going on? I don't see it in the feature manager ei...

  • grabyourhosting created a post,

    Mcrypt not in Easy Apache 4?

    I don't see it in Easy Apache 4 anymore? Why is it gone? How do you install it? Thank you. Edit: Nevermind. Mcrypt is only for older php versions I think.

  • grabyourhosting created a post,

    Is mod_ruid2 still supported?

    The last code changes were 7 to 9 years ago. Thank you.

  • grabyourhosting created a post,

    option '--sql_mode' requires an argument

    It says that MySQL is down but it is working. No matter what I put after sql_mode= nothing works..

  • grabyourhosting created a post,

    How do you block .ir etc from sending emails on my server?

    I am having issues with bit ninja security saying that my server is a hack or malware source. Thank you.

  • grabyourhosting created a post,

    Can't Install PHP 7.4 on Both Servers

    On two of my servers, I have this error message. I cannot install php 7.4 or 7.4 with it's extensions. I am not using cloudlinux. Thank you. Update Error: Error: Package: xz-lzma-compat-5.2.2-1.e...